Ezlo Development going strong?

Hello @Odysee,

Your controller has been flagged for an update to the requested version ( [production-189]) during its next restart. Please ensure the controller remains powered on and connected to the internet.

Any ideas when the automatic updates will get fixed?
Also, can you flag my controller for update?

Hello @Tim88 @Odysee

The firmware update UI is ready for grooming by the engineering team. Once reviewed and prioritized in the development cycle, we’ll provide further updates on its progress.

Thank you for your patience.

Is there a way you can flag my controller ******33 for update?

Hello @lior60

Your controller has been flagged for an update to the requested version ( [production-189]) during its next restart. Please ensure the controller remains powered on and connected to the internet.

That doesn’t seem to work. I restarted several times yesterday (including once by pulling the plug). I tried it again today. Firmware remains on .6.

@JonathanB My firmware is still not updated.

In addition, my controller was offline for some reason from yesterday afternoon until midday today (I noticed this yesterday when the shutters didn’t go down). Maybe you can take a look there too. Unfortunately, the warnings/history in the web front end doesn’t provide enough information.

@AntonSorokin What about geofencing? What is the status?

@melih What about the new generation of Hub? When it’s ready, I’ll be happy to help with beta testing. I assume that migrating from the Ezlo Plus controller to the new one will be easier than from Vera to Ezlo, right?

I know releases have been made recently but it seems users keep asking the same questions and getting the same answers. It feels that things are stagnating and not really moving forward.

Today I had several status changes to my Community Feature and Bug Tracker requests and thought: Now it’s finally starting and the list will be processed.

To my surprise, they were all set to “Done with resolution Obsolete”. I would like to go through them now:

  • ECS-830: scheduler for thermostat control
    There is still no convenient schedule for programming Z-Wave thermostats. This is still only possible using a large number of confusing mesh bots.

  • ECS-962: Manage Z-Wave parameters more easily
    It is still not possible to read existing parameters. It would also be an advantage if you could build in the parameters directly for known devices so that you could then set the values ​​using a slider or something similar.

  • ECS-810: Compare values ​​of different devices
    Actually not such an exotic application: compare values ​​from two devices directly with each other.

  • ECS-838: Eurotronic Air Quality Sensor Z-Wave Plus (VOC Sensor)
    I know the request was made almost 4 years ago and I don’t even know if the device is still available. It’s logical that problems like this will resolve themselves if you wait long enough :wink:

  • ECS-532: Support for every IP cam
    The request was actually resolved a long time ago. Cameras can now be integrated. Unfortunately, my later addition that this should also be possible via the web front end is not answered. Should I open a new request for this?

  • ECS-776: Map for rooms/devices
    I would like to be able to create a map for rooms where you can visualize the location of the devices. For example, a map of the apartment where smoke detectors or window contacts are displayed, so that when the detector is triggered you can see exactly where it happened.

This gives me the impression that the list is being thinned out as quickly as possible without having properly read what it is all about. Closing it with DONE and OBSOLETE without any comment also looks to me (and probably to some others too - I’m probably not the only one affected) anything but like someone is listening to the users :wink:

There all still some webshops that have stock, so it’s available. Kind of funny, as MiOS still states:

‘At Ezlo we work with an industry-leading number of devices, but if there’s a Z-Wave or Zigbee device we don’t currently work with that you’d like to see us integrate, just fill out the form below to let us know. We’ll get it done within 90 days.*’

Hello @Odysee,


Hello everyone,

As you may remember, we are now managing requests through the ECFI (Ezlo Community Features and Issues) project instead of ECS (Ezlo Community Support). During the migration process, there was a misunderstanding, and some tickets were mistakenly closed as “obsolete” without a proper explanation.

We want to clarify that these issues and feature requests are being reclassified. For example, the thermostat schedules request is still in progress. Here are a couple of screenshots of the designs:

We apologize for the confusion and appreciate your patience. Please rest assured that your feedback, requests, and suggestions are very important to us. We remain committed to improving and prioritizing your needs.

Thank you for your support!

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I’ve just received more messages about completed requests and have looked at them again.

The requests that are accidentally marked as obsolete seem to be the rule rather than the exception. I’ve also read a question about why the request was closed for a request. Can’t this be communicated more cleverly?

So let me summarize:
The Ezlo Community Feature Request and Bug Tracker is migrating to a new system and now the cases are gradually being reviewed and migrated to the new system. So far so good. Unfortunately, things seem to be going a bit badly again:

Point 1) Why is this not communicated clearly? Perhaps it has already been mentioned in another thread. But it should be clearly visible in various places. How about a separate message in the “Official announcements” section, for example?

Point 2) Why can you still create new requests in the old system? I would have expected that no new cases could be opened in the old system until the migration was completed, or that you would be referred to the new system where you could then create your request.

Point 3) Why are requests still closed with Obsolet without a comment? The person who created the request usually receives a message about it directly via email. Customers are bound to be dissatisfied. Can’t you add a short sentence like “The case is currently being converted to the new system and will soon be available under XY”?

What exactly is the new system like? When will it be available (most requests seem to have gone through)? Will it only be available internally at Ezlo, or also for users?