Everspring sensor: how to switch on and off lights?

I am a newbie to domotica and have started to work on some simple stuff with my Vera Edge.

I am now stuck with the following.
I have installed an “Everspring HAC01 Wireless In-Wall Remote Module” behind an existing light switch. This light switch itself is not connected to any light directly.
I have also included two on/off wall plug.

What I am trying to achieve is that when I flip the light switch the two wall plugs will turn on. And when I flip the light switch again it will turn the two wall plugs off. Basically as a normal light switch would do.

I have created a scene with the light switch as trigger and the action is then to turn on the two wall plugs. So far so good. I flip the light switch and both wall plugs turn on. But how do I turn the wall plugs off again???

You need a second turn off scene triggered by the switch being turned off.

You need a second turn off scene triggered by the switch being turned off.

Well, I am still struggling with this most likely very easy programming.

I have created a scene that turns on all wall plugs, while using the Everspring HAC01 as trigger.
I have created another scene that will turn all wall plugs off, with the Everspring as a trigger.

When the wall plugs are initially off then flipping the light switch (with the Everspring wired to it) will turn on all wall plugs. After that flipping the switch does not do anything. I can imagine why as there is a scene to turn it all on in the first place. So how can I simply use the Everspring as an on/off toggle?

In the scene that turns everything to Off:

Add trigger and select HAC01 from the list of devices.
Select “A device is turned on or off”, for the event type.
Give the trigger a name.
Choose “device is turned off”. for the mode.

Tried that but no luck. I am a newbie and I just know this is something very simple but I just don’t know how to get this to work…

[quote=“winnieandbuzz, post:5, topic:188584”]Tried that but no luck. I am a newbie and I just know this is something very simple but I just don’t know how to get this to work…[/quote]Didn’t work at all, or didn’t seem to work in a timely fashion?

Research the Instant Status feature. The HAC01 do not support this feature. Without Instant Status, the switch will not notify Vera of a state change. Vera must poll the device to become aware of the state change before the scene is triggered. This delay until polled could be anything from a couple of seconds to two minutes.

Changing the polling interval is not a solution. The subject of Instant Status and polling have been discussed repeatedly on this forum.


Forget scenes completely. Use direct association from the everspring. You associate it with both wall switches and then when you turn on or off it sends signals direct to the wall switches to turn them on and off. This is direct and avoids vera altogether (after setup) so even if vera is off it still functions.


In my lounge I have one wall light switch with two rocker paddles. 1st paddle controls ceiling light. 2nd paddle single click controls one wall socket 2nd paddle double click controls another wall socket.

Forget scenes completely. Use direct association from the ever spring.

I looked into this and this worked without any problems! Thanks!