First I tried to install the version that is available in Vera App Store, but I got an error “EventWatcher[834] : Startup Lua Failed”"
Then I installed the version that is available in the Alternate UI App Store (version 16.7.6) but it give me the same error.
What should I do to get it working?
The only information that is available in Eventwather (under Control) is the following (everything else is empty):
Last Reboot
Last Luup Restart
If I try to go open “Variable and Event log” it give the following error: No handler (http://my_IP/port_3480/data_request?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=home&#)
My primary idea with getting Eventwatcher is to see what is in the logs
Can you please tell me how to get what logs that you think can help to understand this issue?
EventWatcher doesn’t do that… it creates its own logs.
Can you please tell me how to get what logs that you think can help to understand this issue?
The easiest way is to open a browser to
and watch whilst Vera starts up after a reload. After it settles down (maybe some time - the output is buffered) then copy the whole of the page contents (much of it scrolled off screen.)
50 11/16/16 14:58:18.987 luup_log:838: EventWatcher: defining CLI... <0x772cb520>
50 11/16/16 14:58:18.997 luup_log:838: EventWatcher: Starting Event service... <0x772cb520>
50 11/16/16 14:58:18.998 luup_log:838: EventWatcher: Server listening on port 443 <0x772cb520>
10 11/16/16 14:58:18.998 AlarmManager::AddRelativeAlarm current time 1479304698 delay 10 type 7 <0x772cb520>
10 11/16/16 14:58:18.999 AlarmManager::AddAbsoluteAlarm alarm 0x1928f98 entry 0x1ede370 id 0 type 7 param=0x198d380 entry->when: 1479304708 time: 1479304698 bCancelFirst 0=0 <0x772cb520>
50 11/16/16 14:58:18.999 luup_log:838: EventWatcher: Starting Watch service... <0x772cb520>
01 11/16/16 14:58:19.000 LuaInterface::CallFunction_Startup-1 device 838 function init failed [string "local ABOUT = {..."]:1156: attempt to index local 'c' (a nil value) <0x772cb520>
01 11/16/16 14:58:19.000 LuImplementation::StartLua running startup code for 838 I_EventWatcher.xml failed <0x772cb520>
The good news is that I understand that the condition that it reports would generate an error, the bad news is I simply cannot understand how that might happen. I’ve loaded the same version from GitHub onto both an openLuup development machine and one of my VeraLite machines and they both work perfectly.
There is, I suppose, the remote possibility of a download error. Can I ask that you re-install from the AltAppStore and try again?
First I installed the version located in the Vera App Store (same problem), then I have installed the version in Alternate App Store 8 times. Same problem, have tried to reboot.
Any other idea?
the other issue was some uncompressed files from an old (manual?) install
As you asked, here’s a plot of the last day’s memory (in kilobytes, so 40K = 40 Mbyte), cpu, and uptime for the last month (only latest week showing so far.) You’ll see that my Veras stay up for a good long time without reloads (in fact, in this case, it’s just between power outages… we had one today.)
This is for 2x VeraLite with 64 Mbyte and 1x VeraEdge with 128 Mbyte. I believe your Plus has 256 Mbyte.
I used Eventwatcher for several months on Vera3 on UI5 without any problems. Recently I upgraded to Veraplus with the latest firmware. Eventwatcher did work good first days but then I also got message as mentioned in the subject. Cannot find what’s the cause and how to solve it…
I just downloaded it from the appstore and this was the version I got.
Well I followed your instructions and updated the 5 files via develop apps → luup files → upload & restart Luup after upload. The strange thing is: I still am on the same version number and I still have the lua startup error …