EV3 and Vista21IP--Unable to configure

Hi Everyone…

I’m new–just got a veralite and was able to get it paired and working with my Nests and my Tuxedo Touch panel (secondary controller). So I’m pretty happy with the additional functionality the Vera gives me as a primary vs what I was getting with my Tuxedo. I bought the EV3 and the AD2USB because I wasn’t sure which would be easier to get running.

I’ve installed the plugin for the EV3, but whenever I try to enter any values in the Advanced tab (IP address, MAC address), nothing persists. If I exit the tab and reload it, my values are gone. I’m guessing this is the first reason why I can’t get the Vera to talk to my vista panel.

After messing around with things, I finally got my MAC address and IP address to stick. It seems I had to hit “Back” immediately after entering the values to get them to save.

So on to my next problem. Now if I go to the partition -->Alarm Partition and try to set my pin I get the following error: ERROR: Invalid service/action/device. Additionally I’m constantly seeing “Please Wait”, “Configuring Z-wave devices in your system”, and “Running Lua startup”. Is this normal?

I’ve been through numerous threads on this forum, but there isn’t a single concise guide for getting the Vera to work with the Vista via the EV3 unlike the AD2USB, which has a guide–even though its only for UI5.

Please Help!

Im also getting “Please Wait”, “Configuring Z-wave devices in your system” constantly, and none of my devices will configure. Any ideas?