Errors When Uploading Gateway Sketch to Nano

When I try to upload the Gateway sketch to my nano I get multiple errors and it fails. I’m using the Beta 1.3 sketch. I’ve imported the libraries into the Arduino application. A list of the errors I get is listed below. All of this is brand new to me so any help would be appreciated. I believe I’ve followed all of the proper steps but AI might be missing something simple.


Error log:

ArduinoGateway:41: error: ‘Gateway’ does not name a type
ArduinoGateway.ino: In function ‘void setup()’:
ArduinoGateway:49: error: ‘MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH’ was not declared in this scope
ArduinoGateway:50: error: ‘gw’ was not declared in this scope
ArduinoGateway:57: error: ‘MsTimer2’ has not been declared
ArduinoGateway:58: error: ‘MsTimer2’ has not been declared
ArduinoGateway:60: error: ‘PCintPort’ has not been declared
ArduinoGateway.ino: In function ‘void loop()’:
ArduinoGateway:66: error: ‘gw’ was not declared in this scope
ArduinoGateway.ino: In function ‘void startInclusionInterrupt()’:
ArduinoGateway:72: error: ‘gw’ was not declared in this scope
ArduinoGateway.ino: In function ‘void ledTimersInterrupt()’:
ArduinoGateway:76: error: ‘gw’ was not declared in this scope
ArduinoGateway.ino: In function ‘void checkSerialInput()’:
ArduinoGateway:84: error: ‘gw’ was not declared in this scope

There is someting wrong with your import.
Arduino compoler do not see this project libraries

Please check that Arduino/library folder contains folders from the project

When I added the library it was placed in the folder documents\arduino\libraries\arduinosensor. I can see it in the IDE after adding and I then imported the library to the sketch. Is the library instead supposed to be in program files\arduino\libraries? I see that’s where all the default libraries are. If so, how do they get placed there by the “add library” process?

Another thing with the libraries that I don’t understand is how you’re supposed to create the zip file from “mios/arduino-sensor (gitweb)”. If you click the zip link at the top of the page it creates a zip file with a name such as “”. If you try and add that library to the IDE you get an error stating that it cannot be used because library names can only contain basic letters and numbers. How do you get the zip file and parent folder within it in a name format that’s acceptable to the IDE?

OK I figured it out enough to make it work. How the zip file with the libraries is supposed to get created and then added to the IDE with the proper folder structure is beyond me. Instead, I had to manually move the library folders to the proper locations where the IDE expects them and once I did that things work fine.

I received many of the same errors. I have my libraries in the same folder you specified, and get these errors while trying to compile after importing. Can you let me know what you did to get by this?

EDIT: Figured out my problem… it really comes down to explicitly following the directions found here. There’s a lot of information with a lot of different levels of detail in a lot of different places. I’ll try to stick to going forward…