Error when changing conditions

Reactor version: Github.stable
Altui on openluup (no vera)

I get this message when trying to change conditions?

Uncaught Error. <html> <head><title>414 Request-URI Too Large</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> <center><h1>414 Request-URI Too Large</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx</center> </body> </html>

No error message visible in summary or log, hard-refresh doesn’t make a difference?

I’m logging onto AltUI via dataplicity, but that shouldn’t matter, right? I managed to make one change successfully, but the subsequent changes failed.


I had this same issue when changing larger reactor sensors remotely. Basically I stopped trying. Also I have not been working remotely for a long time (for reasons you can imagine) so not sure if it still is an issue. But basically the relay function used to get from the dataplicity wormhole through the nginx web server to openLuup has trouble with the length of the URL.

@rigpapa did reply when I reported this months ago, but I cannot find that now. Look in the Reactor category ( for more information.

Cheers Rene

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I was obviously tired this morning, i thought I placed this in the reactor category. any admins that can move this topic?

Makes sense that the issue is string length, i’ll refrain from making changes remotely. :slight_smile:

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Paging @amg0!

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