Error in the logs once PLEG is installed

When I install PLC and PLEG, I get an error every time LUUP reloads (This is on VeraPlus):

50      03/06/16 20:16:38.594   luup_log:200: PLEG-200:Initialize:DefineVariables <0x770a8520>
06      03/06/16 20:16:38.594   Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 200 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicEG variable: Armed was: EMPTY now: 1 #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:0xc8fe00/NONE duplicate:0 <0x770a8520>
06      03/06/16 20:16:38.595   Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 200 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicEG variable: ConditionSatisfied was: EMPTY now:  #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:0xc8fe68/NONE duplicate:0 <0x770a8520>
06      03/06/16 20:16:38.595   Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 200 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicEG variable: LastConditionChange was: EMPTY now: 1457313398 #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:(nil)/NONE duplicate:0 <0x770a8520>
06      03/06/16 20:16:38.596   Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 200 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicEG variable: ConditionMap was: EMPTY now:  #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:(nil)/NONE duplicate:0 <0x770a8520>
06      03/06/16 20:16:38.596   Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 200 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicEG variable: Debug was: EMPTY now: 0 #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:(nil)/NONE duplicate:0 <0x770a8520>
01      03/06/16 20:16:38.596   luup_variable_watch interface 0xe14de8 args 4 <0x770a8520>
06      03/06/16 20:16:38.597   Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 200 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicC variable: ConditionRepeat was: EMPTY now: {} #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:0xcd1960/NONE duplicate:0 <0x770a8520>
06      03/06/16 20:16:38.598   Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 200 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicEG variable: ConditionSatisfied was:  now: None #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:0xc8fe68/NONE duplicate:0 <0x770a8520>
06      03/06/16 20:16:38.599   Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 200 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicEG variable: LastConditionChange was: 1457313398 now: 1457313398 #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:(nil)/NONE duplicate:1 <0x770a8520>
06      03/06/16 20:16:38.599   Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 200 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicC variable: ObjectStatusMap was: EMPTY now: {} #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:0xcd1998/NONE duplicate:0 <0x770a8520>

Is this normal?

I did not see any errors.

You mean in the trace above? The luup_variable_watch line is red when I actually tail the log, and “01” is listed as a “critical error” on (Obviously, if you are saying that it’s not really an error, I will believe you – it’s your code :slight_smile: If it isn’t an error, it would be nice to report this line with a different code, so it wasn’t flagged as critical. )

I do not print these out … Vera does … And because you are using my plugins the service IDs of the variables for this plugin reference my domain name.

That’s UPNP standard!

These are category 6 messages.

The one line I do print out is category 50

You need to do some more reading.

Richard, I am sorry if I am offending you, that is not my intention at all – I do use your plugins, and they are worth their weight in gold, truly. :slight_smile:

I don’t have a problem with “06” and “50” lines, the question is about category 01 message.

01      03/06/16 20:16:38.596   luup_variable_watch interface 0xe14de8 args 4 <0x770a8520>

Since Vera is singlethreaded, and this gets printed in the middle of PLEG initialization, I believe it’s related to PLEG. Like I said – this line shows in the logs as soon as PLEG is installed, before any configuration is added. What I am trying to understand is whether this means that some functionality in PLEG will be broken because of this error (I have about a dozen simple conditions so far, and they seem to be working fine)

Variable watch is related to an input trigger or device property.
It could be a reference to a deleted device.

Vera provides no status return for luup.variable_watch.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:6, topic:191461”]Variable watch is related to an input trigger or device property.
It could be a reference to a deleted device.

Vera provides no status return for luup.variable_watch.[/quote]
Thanks! This is getting warmer. :slight_smile: I did mess with the system quite a bit (including removing the devices, uninstalling/reinstalling plugins, etc), so it is quite possible that there is an orphaned piece of configuration somewhere. Do you know where should I look for this incorrect config? (I hope that I know enough about the tools to be able to fix the problem once I have an idea where to look)

PS. If I am indeed able to fix this, I promise to write up the solution for future noobs. :slight_smile:

Just look on the status report for triggers or device properties that down’t change.

Found a bit more time to look into this. So, the status report looks OK, all the things that are supposed to change – do change. Downloaded the PLEG backup lua, and that seems reasonable as well (i.e. no obvious references to bogus things). Downloaded the /etc/cmh/user_data.json, and looked for things related to rts-services-com. Again, the PLC and PLEG devices look legit. Any other place the PLC/PLEG configuration information could be stored?

Digging up an old thread I have this same problem, seeing entries like these in my Vera log.
I’ve double checked all my PLEG triggers and device properties and they are all correct and not referencing any deleted devices.

50	09/14/20 12:58:59.371	luup_log:86: PLEG-86:Initialize:Restart <0x774ac520>
01	09/14/20 12:58:59.380	luup_variable_watch interface 0x18223b8 args 4 <0x774ac520>

I am also seeing this error: GetSunriseSunset error#1

50	09/14/20 12:59:03.577	luup_log:104: PLEG-104:Initialize:Restart <0x774ac520>
01	09/14/20 12:59:03.587	luup_variable_watch interface 0x1adfb90 args 4 <0x774ac520>
02	09/14/20 12:59:03.733	GetSunriseSunset error#1 sunrise: 1600321519/2020-09-17 06:45:19 sunset: 1600366432/2020-09-17 19:13:52 midnight: 1600383600/19124036 <0x774ac520>
02	09/14/20 12:59:03.737	GetSunriseSunset error#1 sunrise: 1599975491/2020-09-13 06:38:11 sunset: 1600021429/2020-09-13 19:23:49 midnight: 1600038000/19473044 <0x774ac520>
02	09/14/20 12:59:03.741	GetSunriseSunset error#1 sunrise: 1600061998/2020-09-14 06:39:58 sunset: 1600107680/2020-09-14 19:21:20 midnight: 1600124400/19473044 <0x774ac520>
02	09/14/20 12:59:03.746	GetSunriseSunset error#1 sunrise: 1600321519/2020-09-17 06:45:19 sunset: 1600366432/2020-09-17 19:13:52 midnight: 1600383600/19323068 <0x774ac520>
02	09/14/20 12:59:03.750	GetSunriseSunset error#1 sunrise: 1599975491/2020-09-13 06:38:11 sunset: 1600021429/2020-09-13 19:23:49 midnight: 1600038000/44516500 <0x774ac520>
02	09/14/20 12:59:03.754	GetSunriseSunset error#1 sunrise: 1599975491/2020-09-13 06:38:11 sunset: 1600021429/2020-09-13 19:23:49 midnight: 1600038000/19472652 <0x774ac520>
02	09/14/20 12:59:03.757	GetSunriseSunset error#1 sunrise: 1600061998/2020-09-14 06:39:58 sunset: 1600107680/2020-09-14 19:21:20 midnight: 1600124400/44517468 <0x774ac520>
01	09/14/20 12:59:04.168	luup_variable_watch interface 0x1aa74c0 args 4 <0x774ac520>
06	09/14/20 12:59:04.277	Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 191 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicEG variable: ConditionSatisfied was: None now: None #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:0x13c8548/NONE duplicate:1 <0x774ac520>
06	09/14/20 12:59:04.278	Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 191 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicEG variable: LastConditionChange was: 1600084647 now: 1600084744 #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:(nil)/NONE duplicate:0 <0x774ac520>
06	09/14/20 12:59:04.294	Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 6 service: urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:ProgramLogicC variable: RegisterMsg was: Installed: 1444499235 You have 1 license, which allows a total of 4 PLEG and/or PLTS plugins. now: Installed: 1444499235 You have 1 license, which allows a total of 4 PLEG and/or PLTS plugins. #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:(nil)/NONE duplicate:1 <0x774ac520>

I can’t get to the bottom of this problem or resolve it.

Vera’s software continues to be the garbage fire I remember so fondly. :slight_smile: I am sorry for your issues. If you can – just migrate away. (Personally, I moved to HomeSeer shortly after posting this. And while I wouldn’t say that Homeseer is GREAT, it is definitely better than Vera. By leaps and bounds. It does cost more (especially if you get into the plugins), but if you value your time at anything other than zero, the move pays for itself pretty quickly.)

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