Envisalink 3 multiple TPI?

Hi All,

I am planning to move my main app controller to OpenHab step by step. The first thing I want to move is my EVL3 and dsc 1832. However, EVL3 only supports 1 client to connect at a time so it is impossible to have both OpenHap and Veraedge connect to EVL3. It seems there are a DSC Server running in android but I did not have any Android device in my home. Do we have any DSC Server that runs on a PC computer?


I have a cheap nexus 7 tablet running Dsc server. Habe had it going for a couple of months now with no issues. I do plan on putting Dsc server on a pc on window server when I get done with the pc built. But What I advice is a table will cost you around 30$ cheap. And now you have server running with battery back up. Plus the 10$ for the app.

This thread on the TPI Proxy might help. You’ll see some familiar faces there.

The other option is to leave it running on Vera, use the MiOS Bridge binding to pull it over to openHAB and then move your rules over.

The last step would be a complete cutover to the native DSC openHAB binding.

Thanks guys. I will do the transfer for EVL3 at the end. I just start my openhap journey and hopefully I could contribute something to the openhab vera z-wave binding soon :slight_smile:

Yes. The java version runs flawlessly on my Windows7 PC, more than 1 year ago.

[quote=“hellovn, post:1, topic:190621”]Hi All,

I am planning to move my main app controller to OpenHab step by step. The first thing I want to move is my EVL3 and dsc 1832. However, EVL3 only supports 1 client to connect at a time so it is impossible to have both OpenHap and Veraedge connect to EVL3. It seems there are a DSC Server running in android but I did not have any Android device in my home. Do we have any DSC Server that runs on a PC computer?


I use the openhab DSC plugin to control my alarm through openhab directly. Works great. I also use the openhab mios plugin for all of my zwave stuff