Enrollment of PowerMax+ 315MHZ

I?m new to zwave and haven?t bought a Vera yet. Will do that soon.
I have an old PowerMax+ from 2008 with a lot of windows switches and motion detectors. I even have the RS232 kit + USB connector and from time to time I use it with my computer. Works fine.
It would be very nice to be able to use the PowerMax sensors in Vera and that seems possible with this plugin. One thing I would like to have clarified is:

My Powermax is using 315 MHZ even when I?m living in Europe (I know :slight_smile: ). Will that be a problem for me to get this working?

I was thinking of the enrollment. Is it done by the RS232 interface and therefore it doesn?t matter with the frequencies?

The frequency of the alarm panel and sensors need to match (as it does in your case). The rest of the communication is wired, so it will work fine.

Thanks! Thats good to know.

Vera3 arrived and I?m up and running. I started up with the Netatmo plugin and it works fine. Now for the Powermax plugin.

My USB to serial converter is a Lenovo USB Serial Parallel Adapter (FRU Number 41A4955). It works when I connect to my PC with 9600,8,n,1. I?m ?not sure if it has a FTDI chipset and maybe this is why I have some problems.

So far I did this. Connect a USB to serial cable between the PowerMax and Vera. Under ‘Apps’ > ‘Develop Apps’ > ‘Serial Port Configuration’ set the baud rate to 9600.

As I understand I should now go to my PowerMax+ box and make enrollment of the Vera as PowerLink. But the options I have to enroll is: ENROLL WL DEVICE, ENROLL KEYFOB, ENROLL WL 1WAY KP, ENROLL WL 2WAY KP, ENROLL WL SIREN.
I am kind a stuck here.

Then I tried to set the ?Force Standard mode? but it comes up with Powermax : Not starting due to too many communication errors.

I think I figured out how the enrollment should be. I found this guide on the net:

On the PowerMax+, enter the “USER SETTING” menu.
? Choose “DEFINE PWRLNK” → “Install”.
? Press “Show/OK”. Wait for the confirmation sound.
? Press “Away”. Press “Show/OK”.

So I did that.

But I still have the:

Powermax : Not starting due to too many communication errors.

Clear both variables (‘CommExceptions’ and ‘CommLastException’)

Hooooouuuu. Now it works ;D


Is it possible to use THE powermax sensors without THE rs232 connection.
but just with the RFXcom on 315 MHz.

Or do i always need the rs232 module.

Regards Sjoerd