Enhancement Requests

Enhancement - geo fencing and devices.

When build geo fencing the reference is to the device id; however, this information is not available from within geo fence construct and must be obtained from a device itself.

Two options:
build an array of devices that can be used.

Add additional information to devices to enable the use to extract the device id.

With the current data model being used, category 0 devices are not supported. Given that the virtual switch is a category 0 device there is no way for me to populate that without populating a list of other devices that belong to the same category. I had plans to let you basically build your own scene and what should happen in the iOS app when a geofence is breached but if the app is just running in the background apple only allows a total of 10 seconds for all executions to finish before it takes away cpu and memory from the app. So with that said, I figure it would be easiest to just allow a virtual switch ID to be defined and have users use scenes or PLEG to take action on that switch going from active to inactive and vice versa. I do have plans to let the users enter an address and have iViri convert it to the longitude and latitude needed and get rid of the option of tapping the button to get your current location.

  1. Add AV devices as a category that can be controlled.

  2. Re-enable “Talk” if its been stopped after resuming the app from a backgrounded state if the initial view is set to voice control.
    If I background the app after stopping voice control, then I have to re-enable talk if I relaunch it directly, or from Siri

  3. Allow customizing of dialect to account for accent differences with spoken English.
    I hate having to fake a US accent for this work well for some words.

  4. Set up some default URL shortcuts that Siri can call (iViri/scene1, iViri/scene2), that are linked to a list of favorite scenes that can be set up.
    This is very useful for people using Bluetooth headsets, Car speakerphones, or other devices such as Kreyos Smartwatches etc, since iViri wont necessarily have access to the microphone unless I’m mistaken, and we would have to take the phone out of a pocket to turn off the device.
    Ideally I want to be able to approach my garage door either on a bike, or in the car and call my Garage door opening scene without having to take a phone out of my pocket.

Will look into this if someone is willing to send me their sdata at support@instruodev.com and then on top of that execute some queries that I may need executed to see responses.

[quote=“strangely, post:3, topic:180013”]2) Re-enable “Talk” if its been stopped after resuming the app from a backgrounded state if the initial view is set to voice control.
If I background the app after stopping voice control, then I have to re-enable talk if I relaunch it directly, or from Siri[/quote]

Will add this to the v1.1 release changes and it should be in the next release.

[quote=“strangely, post:3, topic:180013”]3) Allow customizing of dialect to account for accent differences with spoken English.
I hate having to fake a US accent for this work well for some words.[/quote]

This would require more than just my code to get accomplished. The problem is with the dictionary that is being used and the break down of how the words sound, which was all done by MIT. If you want to opt not to use their pre-defined setup and build your own it will take several months and we would have to work on it together to record your specific dialect and build out a whole custom setup for it.

[quote=“strangely, post:3, topic:180013”]4) Set up some default URL shortcuts that Siri can call (iViri/scene1, iViri/scene2), that are linked to a list of favorite scenes that can be set up.
This is very useful for people using Bluetooth headsets, Car speakerphones, or other devices such as Kreyos Smartwatches etc, since iViri wont necessarily have access to the microphone unless I’m mistaken, and we would have to take the phone out of a pocket to turn off the device.
Ideally I want to be able to approach my garage door either on a bike, or in the car and call my Garage door opening scene without having to take a phone out of my pocket.[/quote]

Will work on this for a future release and maybe have a page setup for you to define 10 scenes to link up to a specific URL.

Is there plans for iPad?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

[quote=“waynehead99, post:5, topic:180013”]Is there plans for iPad?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD[/quote]

Yes, although I have no release date at the moment. Currently I am working on v1.2 which will support the addition of cameras and push notifications through the use of a plugin for the Vera.