
Since I have now installed 10 Leviton zone controllers I want to get the WAF factor up a bit and label the buttons. I am just a home owner and when I looked at Leviton’s site I had to fill out a form and find a distributor to submit to. Is there a company I can just the buttons to?


@TimAlls has some experience with engraving. He posted about that a while ago. I think the Leviton engraving was nothing to write home about; but a different company was suggested in that thread.


Thanks I should have mentioned I checked that thread first. I did order a plate from RightPlate but cannot get them to respond to my request on engraving the switch covers. They do not seem to have any customer service. I was looking for what you pro’s do…

Hmm, perhaps @TimAlls has an update, as I guess a .3mm black Sharpie doesn’t cut it on the Yachts. :wink:

No sharpies allowed on yachts!
We sent all our switches back to Lutron…they engraved our black switches with a tiny font that was unreadable and used no backfill color making the engraving invisible!
I never heard back from RightPlate either and have moved on to a local…San Diego Engraving. I will let you know how it goes.
If you find something better let me know! This was a real let down with Lutron…their engraved photos were the reason we chose them.
Tim Alls
AllSeas Yachts

@oTi & @TimAlls

I am pretty sure I would get no WAF points with a sharpie… I did order a plate from RightPlate but it took forever… Not sure I will use them again… Maybe I will try my labeler and see if I can make it look decent.


I see your point. :smiley:

Maybe I will try my labeler and see if I can make it look decent.
Right. I haven't tried clear labels yet.

Have you seen the button kit you can get from Leviton; is that too generic?

Here I go reviving another thread, but hey, this one isn’t 2 years old! :slight_smile:

Any progress on this? I’m not wanting to go the label route, and I can’t expects guests to remember how the zone controllers in the guest room operate.


Following up @oTi’s advice in this thread, please follow this one:


[quote=“PurdueGuy, post:8, topic:168343”]Here I go reviving another thread, but hey, this one isn’t 2 years old! :slight_smile:

Any progress on this? I’m not wanting to go the label route, and I can’t expects guests to remember how the zone controllers in the guest room operate.


All these threads are pointing back at each other. No one has any progress?

A friend of mine is looking up a Leviton contact, but I know that earlier it was reported it was unreadable.

I’m thinking about trying to find a local place that does engraving, and offer to give them a blank set of buttons to experiment with.

:slight_smile: Yup; I think this is the most recent one (so that’s why I suggested continuing here).

As far as I’m aware, only @TimAlls and @aschwalb have recently been pursuing this.

Have you tried these guys as it seems they do it in-house?


I don’t know if they’d do the Leviton Buttons, but it looks like Leviton does:


EDIT: @TimAlls said the font was small, and he had a problem with what appears to be using black buttons, should be Ok for lighter colors though.

Seems pricey, but you’d be sure to get good quality.

[quote=“shady, post:12, topic:168343”]Have you tried these guys as it seems they do it in-house?


I don’t know if they’d do the Leviton Buttons, but it looks like Leviton does:


EDIT: @TimAlls said the font was small, and he had a problem with what appears to be using black buttons, should be Ok for lighter colors though.

Seems pricey, but you’d be sure to get good quality.[/quote]
I tried calling them this morning, but while I was on hold, I did the online chat. I was told they wouldn’t do it.

However, their retail store is about 15 miles from my office, and I have gone in a few times to buy things (including Leviton Zone Controllers!). So I am going to go in maybe next week and ask in person.