Energy usage and Echo Labs

I’m a new VeraPlus user, and I’m just becoming familiar with the web interface (which also means I don’t know what it used to be like, and I don’t know if it’s the same interface as older Vera XYZ devices had).

Is anyone using the Energy Usage functionality? I noticed the “Echo Labs” partnership, and I thought it prudent to check out their Terms of Service before activating it.

I was disappointed to find that references in their Terms of Service point to “ECHO?s privacy policy at” – and there is no privacy policy anywhere on their website.

I filled out the contact form on their site last week, and heard nothing back. I called today and spoke to a tech support specialist, who simply advised me to email (which I’ve done).

Not to sound overly paranoid, but internet-accessible home automation is already a potentially hazardous enough notion, so I’m not really thrilled with feeding my energy data directly to a third party without knowing what they’re going to do to protect it.

And I know it’s all optional, but I’d actually LIKE to take advantage of it, if there are at least some reassurances of security.

(And does this forum really get bot-attacked so often that we humans have to play a 4-question Trivial Pursuit every time we want to do something here? Rather annoying.)


Well Welcome to the forum.

I, like yourself am a new member and user to Vera and home automation so I can’t answer all of your questions.

But I am positive that others can.

One question that I can answer is the posting process to the forums. That questionnaire lasts for 5 posts. Then you will be relieved of the annoyance of it.

Have a good day :slight_smile:

Stay away from the energy usage function. Useless for several years.

Are you speaking only of that section the Vera interface? What about energy-reporting devices, like the Aeon Labs smart energy switches, or the broader “Smart Energy Monitor Meter”? It would be nice to have detailed energy usage information, even if I just have to monitor it through the Datamine 2 plug-in or something.

Are you speaking only of that section the Vera interface? What about energy-reporting devices, like the Aeon Labs smart energy switches, or the broader “Smart Energy Monitor Meter”? It would be nice to have detailed energy usage information, even if I just have to monitor it through the Datamine 2 plug-in or something.[/quote]
Exactly that, ignore the Vera built in energy monitoring but use energy monitoring devices via apps etc.

I’ve always had success with the Aeon energy monitoring switches. Haven’t tried the whole house monitor, but the separate outlet switches work great. I second the stay away from the energy monitoring on the native Vera interface. I believe the Datamine plugin requires something that the VeraPlus is supposed to get in the next update. Can’t remember what library it was, but it’s supposed to be in the next update.