Energy Costs of Owning a Pool and How to Reduce Them

Came across this. Thought people might be interested.

Not much useful information in that thread.

I think a VS pump (and optimizing speed/duration for each season) is by far the biggest way to reduce pool energy costs, and that wasn’t touched on in the link.

Yeah that article is for lack of a better word… rubbish…

I save over > 75% of my pools original energy cost by just running the pumps at night on cheaper tariff power.

My arduino based pool controller only runs the pumps/salt cell during expensive power hours IF its swimming season and the sun is providing enough heat to gather from the roof solar water collectors… In Summer ( swimming season ) the pool runs for 8hrs to filter/chlorinate , so if there is only 2hrs of sun that day, the pumps will wait until cheap power times and run the remainder then. In Winter, only 4hrs is req so it just runs at night…

Its saved me thousands… ive not yet needed to replace the pump, but when I do, it will be a VS pump.

It says LED’s save 99% energy over the long term!?!??!?!?! Writer is either lying or just uninformed. I would not trust anything from this web page.

And I am pretty sure the OP is a shill for the web page.

Yep, page isn’t worth much… Hayward VS pump and a home brew Arduino pool controller that operates a solar array and a few valves (cleaning and such). VS pump worth every $$$…

Welcome to the forum.

You can use outdoor fireplace which gives an unique look to your pool, and is also energy efficient.