Email parser

I did a search and came up with nothing…

Does anyone know of an Email Plugin to be used for a trigger a scene on Vera?
like the IFTTT “channel” has

I wanted to monitor a mailbox for email from certain address, and then fire off a test To speech though the Sonos when a new Voicemail arrives (Our VM gets sent to email … obviously ::slight_smile: )

Such a plugin has been mentioned a few times (probably all by me) but I do not believe there is one around at the moment that could do this.

But like you, I’m optimistic one will arrive :slight_smile:

You’ll find a number of attempts (see below) but there are issues e.g with authentication etc.

[quote=“jimpapa, post:1, topic:179682”]I did a search and came up with nothing…

Does anyone know of an Email Plugin to be used for a trigger a scene on Vera?
like the IFTTT “channel” has

I wanted to monitor a mailbox for email from certain address, and then fire off a test To speech though the Sonos when a new Voicemail arrives (Our VM gets sent to email … obviously ::slight_smile: )[/quote]

You could adapt this approach using google calendar plugin to see if it meets your needs.

Right… I actually am using the IFTTT recipe to flash the hue bulbs to notify my techs we have a voicemail waiting.

But the delay is like up to 15 min… It would be cool for the Sonos to pause and announce that a VM is waiting…

The closest thing is the thread about using find my friends (iPhone) by using a gmail account etc…

Thanks for the reply

[quote=“jimpapa, post:4, topic:179682”]Right… I actually am using the IFTTT recipe to flesh the hue bulbs to notify my techs we have a voicemail waiting.

But the delay is like up to 15 min… It would be cool for the Sonos to pause and announce that a VM is waiting…

The closest thing is the thread about using find my friends (iPhone) by using a gmail account etc…

Thanks for the reply[/quote]

Agreed. The delays are not ideal with IFTTT. I too wish for something more “direct”.