Edit Existing Notifications for Sensors

I’m a Vera newbie. Somehow I’ve created notifications for several sensors (open/close for garage doors), motion for a 4-in-1 sensor.

I want to remove these notifications, but when I go to the Notifications tab on the device there are no notifications listed to edit or remove! I can add and remove a new notification, but can’t seem to find these orphaned ones.

Is there a way to debug this? Ideas?


Have you found a solution to this? There isn’t anything in the documentation (surprise) and I’ve got the same problem–I’m receiving alerts from a previous device that had to be reinstalled and there are no notifications in the sensor any longer in the GUI, but I’m still getting alerts. This is in the UI7 interface, so I’m not sure what you were using.

Are these devices the trigger of a scene ?
You might have notification turned on for the scene.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:3, topic:179923”]Are these devices the trigger of a scene ?
You might have notification turned on for the scene.[/quote]
This is on a new VeraEdge which I’ve done a factory reset on a couple of times :frowning: The notification was added to the device in UI7 under notifications. I’ve since had to remove the device (Aeon 4-1 sensor) because it wasnt reading its embeded temp/light/humidty values.

After adding the device back in, If I go in to the device there are no notifications shown, and all scenes have been deleted. But when the device is armed, I get the motion sensor notice…which makes me think there is a file somewhere that has the old notification stuck because I know I had a notice when armed set on the first incarnation. I can’t find any documentation as to where this in inside Mios or a file to edit manually.

What happens when you click the “Scenes” tab that is in the Device Control (NOT the Top Level Scenes Tab!!!) ?

Send me an email with the output from:


Note that file will have any passwords and pin coded entered into Vera. You may want to find and replaced them with XXXXX

What happens when you click the "Scenes" tab that is in the Device Control (NOT the Top Level Scenes Tab!!!) ?

I get empty results…

4 in 1 sensor is trigger for Scene Id Name 4 in 1 sensor is included in Scene Id Name

weird, huh? I am sure that I will be reseting this thing back to factory :confused:

I hate bothering you…but I appreciate it and am desperate! I sent the email with the subject “vera notification mystery” … I haven’t even tried installed PLEG yet…I didn’t want to have my license re-assigned until I knew if I was keeping this or not.

Thanks for your help.