DVR with Vera


Just thought would share how i setup my DVR with vera.

Using a DVR h.264, 2 x 9100b web servers - each only have 4 channels.

I can still continue to record on all 8 cameras using DVR and include them in vera also.

Picture of setup is attached.

[quote=“Rich1983, post:1, topic:179614”]Evening

Just thought would share how i setup my DVR with vera.

Using a DVR h.264, 2 x 9100b web servers - each only have 4 channels.

I can still continue to record on all 8 cameras using DVR and include them in vera also.

Picture of setup is attached.


Rich –

The setup picture didn’t make it. Can you re-post?




I have in the past tried a few different video web servers with very poor results (with Vera). Everything I tried had an internal bandwidth problem as they could not really handle a decent framerate, or at least good enough to keep an image ‘healthy’ in Vera. I couldn’t even find one that was suitable for developing a webpage that would transmit all (usually 4) channels.

Can you tell us if Vera is getting good feeds and if so, what kind of video encoders are you using?

[quote=“Bulldoglowell, post:4, topic:179614”]Rich1983,

I have in the past tried a few different video web servers with very poor results (with Vera). Everything I tried had an internal bandwidth problem as they could not really handle a decent framerate, or at least good enough to keep an image ‘healthy’ in Vera. I couldn’t even find one that was suitable for developing a webpage that would transmit all (usually 4) channels.

Can you tell us if Vera is getting good feeds and if so, what kind of video encoders are you using?[/quote]


I setup one web server and had it linked to the gate sensor so if gate was opened it would trigger camera etc. I left this for a month as i was away on business and checked back and everything seems good. Decent picture taken on vera side. Also i find it alot easier as if anything does happen etc while am away i dont need to sit for hours looking back to find the spot. Linking it all to vera will pin point the time etc that i need.

I still got further testing with these but thought would share what i have managed so far.

Aviosys 9100B is the make and model of the web servers i am using.


great, let us know once you have four cams on each box… I would love to see that work well. I have not been able to do it myself.

All 8 cameras now wired into the web servers. Will start setting up for testing tonight

I now have all 8 cameras available for using within vera now.