Duplicate Rooms and missing customizations

I now have a new issue…! While testing the WIFI Vs. Cellular issue I used the Reset at next start up to see if the app would come back on WIFI and not cellular and that process makes you login into MIOS again. Once logged in I notice that I have two sets of rooms now, literally duplicates of the real rooms. And many of the customization’s I have done to the interface are missing, like icon changes.


I am aware that in a certain situation, duplicated icons may appear which I am looking into. For the moment you can attempt to fix this by:

  • in settings/configuration, attempt to use the restore previous settings (if a previous setting here has been saved).
  • they need to be manually removed,
    *or the app deleted and re-added.

The ability to back up to google drive has temporarily been disabled as, painfully, google’s package for this has been deprecated, and a rewrite is required to use their latest api.