Dumb Question

@Garrettwp … OK after using this great product from the start and have run into something weird. It now puts up the voice setting and the old guy can’t where in the settings to turn it off :frowning:


Not sure I understand the question. Where is it putting up the voice setting?

  • Garrett


Will try to get my head on straightt … when I turn on your great program the microphone phone appears on the top bar and the ‘program’ will only take voice commands. Do not know how it was turned on and can not find find where on the ‘program’ status to turn of voice commands.

As usual,

Thanks for all your help on the forum!


I think I am the dummy because I still am not figuring out what the issue is. When you open the program, you should be greeted with a home screen showing four icons in the middle of the display. The top bar should show the refresh button and a microphone icon. The microphone icon is used for issuing voice recognition commands. The icons at the top should not change and are fixed. Are you wanting to remove the microphone icon from the top bar?

  • Garrett

Yes … not bad for two dumb guys!!!

Dah … I forgot to finish … too many stays at Mayo

So where in settings do I get rid of the microphone???

Knock knock … Garrettwp … still need help … thanks.

@Garrettwp … thanks for the help … have a great weekend!
