DSC PTK5507 Keypad

Hey strangely or anyone else with the ptk5507. I was wondering how well the keypad does programming the system? Right now I use the DLS and that seems pretty easy. But i really like the touchscreen.

It’s better, but then again I haven’t programmed a whole system with one, I’ve just applied a few tweaks here and there. If you are used to the DLS software then it’s still probably quicker and easier!

I really like the keypad since doing things like bypassing zones and using PGMs is very intuitive.

My only gripe with it, is that it has a really nice clock mode, but once the screen goes off, you have to reactivate it again from a sub menu, and I want it to stay there all the time!

@strangely they have released a firmware update. it is not available publicly but PM me if you can not download it. Unsure of what is fixes, nothing listed

If its 1.04 then I have a copy of it I’ve not loaded yet. However I don’t think it fixes the clock problem anyway, but I guess I should give it a try tomorrow!

If you have anything later than 1.04? Then yes I will PM you.

Just checked, the current version is 1.04.

[quote=“strangely, post:2, topic:172914”]It’s better, but then again I haven’t programmed a whole system with one, I’ve just applied a few tweaks here and there. If you are used to the DLS software then it’s still probably quicker and easier!

I really like the keypad since doing things like bypassing zones and using PGMs is very intuitive.

My only gripe with it, is that it has a really nice clock mode, but once the screen goes off, you have to reactivate it again from a sub menu, and I want it to stay there all the time![/quote]

Thanks for the info man! I plan on getting one soon and maybe I’ll ditch having to bring my computer to the panel all the time to reprogram things.

Do you have either a 2DS or IT100 connected to your Panel?

I do have the 2DS connected to the Panel.

It is possible to send programming commands to the panel from the Eyez-on website, although I’ve never done it!

does anyone have the latest firmware for ptk5507

What is the latest firmware version?

1.05.3 I think
