Door/Window sensor not displaying status. Z-wave topography?

I’ve been wrestling with this issue for days.
I have 2 “Aeon Labs Door/Window Sensors”.
One is mounted on my front door and works perfectly.
The other (recent one I bought) is mounted on my garage door.

I’ve completely redone my entire network from scratch and the garage door sensor does not reliably report it’s state where the front door one does.

That said, IF THE SENSOR IS “AWAKE” IT REPORTS PERFECTLY. When I do awake stress tests the response time is really good. But after it leaves the ‘wake-up’ mode, I can barely be sure what state it’s in. Typically it seems to just be seriously delayed… Unlike the front door which is accurately instantaneous.

The topography is different for the two. The front door sensor is probably 10 to 20 feet from the Vera controller and is very near a in-wall Leviton dimmer.

The one in the garage is reasonably far and I would expect it to make one hop through another light switch. There are 3 switches within range of it. The closest being a GE Outdoor switch connected to a relay for the garage.

Any help here?

You could start by perhaps either performing a heal with it, or excluding it and reincluding it.

You should probably list some other details like which Vera you have, which firmware, and which Zwave version etc?

also, does the sensor report any neighbors under settings? are the light switches close “enough” to the garage sensor? I noticed that some of the door/window sensors have range issues, and really need to either be close to Vera or have close-by switches/dimmers.

It’s a VeraLite with UI5 latest firmware (…408) but it was having trouble before that too.

It has two other neighbors listed that are both powered switches. One switch is VERY close. It’s the door opener switch.

Went into the garage and did some testing. Couldn’t be sure if my iPhone app response was just laggy due to bad network, or if it was the sensor.
I peeled off the magnet with the door open and repeatedly tripped and un-tripped the sensor. The state was mostly out of sync.

I’m guessing that the switch (about 3 feet away) is not repeating. Is there some way to tell if it’s repeating? Are known devices that are good to use as repeaters?

what if you move Vera temporarily next to the garage sensor, and see if the problems go away. if they do, then it’s the repeating, otherwise, might be something wrong with the sensor(?)

[quote=“electricessence, post:5, topic:172081”]Went into the garage and did some testing. Couldn’t be sure if my iPhone app response was just laggy due to bad network, or if it was the sensor.
I peeled off the magnet with the door open and repeatedly tripped and un-tripped the sensor. The state was mostly out of sync.

I’m guessing that the switch (about 3 feet away) is not repeating. Is there some way to tell if it’s repeating? Are known devices that are good to use as repeaters?[/quote]

I had the same issue with my sensor. Actually my Vera Lua engine always crashed when assigning a route to this sensor. I am still in contact with MCV and they are looking into this odd issue. When my sensor talks directly to Vera everything works well. So I am not sure if this sensor is actually capable of using other nodes as repeaters. Maybe a firmware bug? I will let you know once I have more answers.


I too have the aeon labs door window sensor too and have noticed some strange things with mine too. I have the Veralite and I’m running the latest 408 firmware, but like you this problem was occurring before. The sensor has always been intermittent .

It got a little more confusing when I took it off the door and started to play with it more closely. To help the analysis I assigned a scene to the sensor that would play a sound file the sensor is tripped.

Tests so far show the following

  1. separating the parts, LED blinks, it updates the UI (green to red man) and plays the sound
  2. putting the parts back, LED blinks, it updates the UI (red man to green)
  3. separating the parts, LED blinks, it updates the UI (green to red man) and plays the sound
  4. putting the parts back, LED blinks, but the UI is not updated and the red man stays
  5. separating the parts, LED blinks, the UI stays red man but plays the sound
  6. putting the parts back, LED blinks it updates the UI (red man to green)

This suggests to me tbat the UI is not being updated on the second opening and I have reproduced this a number or times now. Thoughts?

My one doesreport a neighbour, it has value 1 listed. It is about 2 meters from a dimmer switch

[quote=“parkerc, post:8, topic:172081”]I too have the aeon labs door window sensor too and have noticed some strange things with mine too. I have the Veralite and I’m running the latest 408 firmware, but like you this problem was occurring before. The sensor has always been intermittent .

It got a little more confusing when I took it off the door and started to play with it more closely. To help the analysis I assigned a scene to the sensor that would play a sound file the sensor is tripped.

Tests so far show the following

  1. separating the parts, LED blinks, it updates the UI (green to red man) and plays the sound
  2. putting the parts back, LED blinks, it updates the UI (red man to green)
  3. separating the parts, LED blinks, it updates the UI (green to red man) and plays the sound
  4. putting the parts back, LED blinks, but the UI is not updated and the red man stays
  5. separating the parts, LED blinks, the UI stays red man but plays the sound
  6. putting the parts back, LED blinks it updates the UI (red man to green)

This suggests to me tbat the UI is not being updated on the second opening and I have reproduced this a number or times now. Thoughts?

My one doesreport a neighbour, it has value 1 listed. It is about 2 meters from a dimmer switch[/quote]

Had the same experience you mentioned. It is a pain to align this one properly (at least mine was).
I eventually replaced it with a Everspring sensor. MUCH better and reliable!

Yeah, that sounds about right! Thanks for the detailed test.
It sucks because I really would like for this to be reliable. I wonder if trying a different sensor would help. Too bad they cost $50 a pop!

Ohh! Okay… I should just do that then.

Ordered an Everspring one… :slight_smile:

the value 1 implies that the sensor thinks that Vera is an immediate neighbor (and does not recognize the dimmer)… is Vera nearby?

I have 1 listed as well, but the other two neighbors are also there.

Do you think removing 1 from the list would help?

the value 1 implies that the sensor thinks that Vera is an immediate neighbor (and does not recognize the dimmer)… is Vera nearby?[/quote]

No Vera is upstairs, the sensor was added next to the Controller and then taken away if that matters?

Was a heal performed after the sensor was placed in it’s permanent location?

  • Garrett

[quote=“garrettwp, post:15, topic:172081”]Was a heal performed after the sensor was placed in it’s permanent location?

  • Garrett[/quote]

A Heal? I have just clicked the option to Update Neighbor Nodes on the Device Options tab but it still shows it to be ‘1’ ?

It now says in the info window at the top Heal Stage : Heal Succesful I will test again.

Do you keep the sensor awake while doing this?

Test results after ‘Heal’ update of Neighbour nodes.

  1. separating the parts, LED blinks, it updates the UI (green to red man) and plays the sound
  2. putting the parts back, LED blinks, it updates the UI (red man to green)
  3. separating the parts, LED blinks, it updates the UI (green to red man) and plays the sound
  4. putting the parts back, LED blinks, it updates the UI (red man to green)
  5. separating the parts, LED blinks, it updates the UI (green to red man) and plays the sound
  6. putting the parts back, LED blinks, it updates the UI (red man to green)
  7. separating the parts, LED blinks, it updates the UI (green to red man) and plays the sound
  8. putting the parts back, LED blinks, it updates the UI (red man to green)
    Etc etc.

I have been doing this on the sofa as the sensor was removed from the door as it was going to go back to the shop.

Do you keep the sensor awake while doing this?[/quote]

Sorry oTi@ I’m not sure what you mean, I am just using it ‘as is’ nothing else set as far as I am aware.

I believe triple-click, so that the red LED stays on. The device is now awake and Vera should be able to talk to it. Triple-click again to put the sensor back to sleep (or wait 10 minutes), so that the LED is off.