Does Vera respond to SSDP?

I’m trying to automatically discover Vera devices, and made a quick and dirty implementation of SSDP. When I issue the search, I get responses from all of the other UPnP devices on my network (Panasonic TV, Sonos, WiFi router, …), but not the Vera3.

Is the Vera3 running UI5 expected to respond to multicast SSDP requests?

Here’s the query I’m sending:
MAN: “ssdp:discover”
MX: 5

Vera gets a lot of ideas from UPnP but is not a true UPnP client or server.
Many parts of the collection of UPnP interface are implemented. It would be nice if it were a TRUE UPnP client and could control other UPnP devices and if it would provide a UPnP gateway for all the Devices it manages to other UPnP clients.