Do I have the correct set-up

I have come across a few somewhat old threads regarding using vera 3 as a router, which honestly I’m really not capable of following all the details. The following is my current set up…is it ok

Incoming cable to optimum modem
Optimum modem to Wan port on vera 3
Vera 3 lan port to my desktop PC

I am also using Vera 3 as wi-fi connection to my iphone

Would this set-up have any connection to my inability to use the WOL app.

Thanks in advance for any help,

That should work fine. Did you enter the MAC of your computer in the WOL app?

Yes I did, I hesitate to ask for help on the wol issue because it’s somewhat out of my league. I did an ipconfig and found the mac address. This was under “ethernet adapter Local Area Connection” Physical address 78-45-xx-xx-xx-xx. I have triple checked it’s entry as correct. When i test the WOL in the app it says “magic packet sent”. On my iphone wol works with " iNet wol" app when run through wifi but doesn’t work over 3g. My attempt thru homewave and a toggle switch to run a scence activating the wol app failed to wake. I am going to run through everything again tonite so as not to waste your time, and if i could check in with you tomorrow, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks for responding…it’s a lonely place out here when your first thought about routers is working on a good piece of Mahogany.



All sounds correct, try using a colon “:” instead of the dash “-” in your MAC address.

[quote=“Brientim, post:4, topic:180182”]Steve,

All sounds correct, try using a colon “:” instead of the dash “-” in your MAC address.[/quote]

Ok, will do and report back.

Was hopeful that was it, but upon checking I have it entered with colons. I re-entered it again to make sure…no go. To check, i used my iphone over 3g, went to the mios interface, selected wol with wrench icon and clicked on wake…it did say it sent the magic packet ok. Also, when i first open the wrench, it says “OK wol found”.

I have run a few checks, based on results, maybe someone can help.

Using 3rd Party Iphone App, over Wi-Fi, connected to the veras Wi-Fi, I can wake the computer from off. If I switch the phone to 3G, coming in through the internet, it doesn’t work. Which I can understand as it was set up for local network and at least this shows that all my mac, ethernet, and adpater settings are correct.

Using homewave App, i actuate a virtual switch, which triggers a scene, which triggers wol app to wake-onLan. I have opened several ui windows and I can see the homewave App trigger the virtual switch, then the UI screen i have opened of the Scene shows the scene was triggered, and finally, the UI screen of wol device, shows “magic packet sent”.
Oddly, when running wireshark monitoring udp packets, the iphone App, upon activation, shows the udp wake on lan packets as being received. When trying to wake through homewave, all triggers appear to work, Magic packet send is confirmed in the ui, but wireshark shows no udp, wake-on-lan packets recieved.

Any ideas
Thank You,

Sorry for the delay but work took over my life.
The problem is the WOL installed is the incorrect version.

If you refer to the link below, to install
opkg install
Wake-on-LAN Plugin

[quote=“Brientim, post:8, topic:180182”]Sorry for the delay but work took over my life.
The problem is the WOL installed is the incorrect version.

If you refer to the link below, to install
opkg install

Brien, thanks for responding. I uninstalled WOL, and then did the scary ssh stuff , opkg and the link to the file. It said installled or some such, but when i went back to ui5, I had no WOL devicel. So I reinstalled from app store, and it still doesn’t work.

Very confusing, but at least it was my first SSH into something. I know I’m taking a lot of your time…maybe one last shot at it.
WOL through iphone app over wifi works everytime and shows udp wol packets…WOL App shows no packets.

Thanks again

Verify the using the method below.

http://vera_ip/cgi-bin/webif/ and log in using the same credentials as ssh.

Goto System > Software and verify the version installed. If it is not, In Download and install package: enter http… Wol from the previous post.

[quote=“Brientim, post:10, topic:180182”]Verify the using the method below.

http://vera_ip/cgi-bin/webif/ and log in using the same credentials as ssh.

Goto System > Software and verify the version installed. If it is not, In Download and install package: enter http… Wol from the previous post.
It’s listed under installed packages wol version 0.7.1-3 . I then logged out

I cannot provide much more guidance here. I tested last night (it is morning here) and once I loaded 0.7.1-3 it worked immediately.

I haven’t tested under UI6 (firmware 1.6xx).

I’m on UI 5 latest version. Thanks for trying, nice of you to at least take a shot. Have a nice day
