Do Baldwin Deadbolts work with Vera

I am a complete newbie to this and I in the process of setting up a vacation home. The house already has Baldwin door hardware, would like to keep it and just add new deadbolts. Does anybody use or know if the Baldwin hardware. Tks for any advise.

Quick answer:

Only Z-Wave door locks will work with Vera. As far as I know, the only Z-wave locks out there are made by Schlage or Kwikset.

Good luck with the new house!


Baldwin and Kwikset are the same company. It should work with their Baldwin Home Connect line.

Thanks for the responses. I was hoping to get someone with actual experience as the local dealers are of no help at all. They keep trying to get me to buy the Control4 system and give no help at all when i ask about z-wave.

Yes, Baldwin and Kwikset are the same company.

However, last time I checked, their Baldwin brand has not yet started selling the Z-wave configured locks. Only the Control4.

Maybe my information is outdated…


No, I don’t think anything has changed. Even though the online information from Baldwin clearly indicates z-wave certified the dealers complete lack of answers on z-wave and very strong push to Control4 (Zigbee) I think says it all. No z-wave for now. I am not quite ready to jump and the locks are a big reason to do this, so i wait awhile.


It may help grease the wheels if you specifically ask Baldwin for Z-Wave. When I am at CES in Jan. I’ll go see if I can find out an ETA on the Z-Wave card for Baldwin.

That would be greatly appreciated and I will look forward to seeing your post. I did try to talk to Baldwin but kept getting refered to dealers. The dealers were no help at all. Basically I would have to buy the hardware as part of a Control4 system which was out of site on cost.

Again thanks


[quote=“shady, post:7, topic:167162”]It may help grease the wheels if you specifically ask Baldwin for Z-Wave. When I am at CES in Jan. I’ll go see if I can find out an ETA on the Z-Wave card for Baldwin. [/quote]Are you exhibiting or just a visitor?



Did you have a chance to see about the baldwin deadbolt using z-wave?

Balbwin has Zigbee now and Z-wave should be coming in about a month I was told. Kwikset had their new contemporary lock style shown and I explained to the Baldwin guy that it was a nice option, but we need something for those that don’t like the current offerings. He agreed and said it was coming very soon, now price is another story.

Any update on this? I have the baldwin deadbolt that is Home Control ready and it appears there’s a z-wave card that plugs into the circuit board on the lock. I’ve tried baldwin support. They are absolutely no help. I’ve tried dealers as well. Again, no help. I’m tempted to buy the Kwikset lock and take the card out and see if it works in the baldwin. I’m only guessing there’s a card but that’s how it looks. Does anyone know anything about this?


Kwikset did confirm to some Beta forum members that they’d offer an upgrade kit where they sold just the card (for Kwikset). I don’t see why it wouldn’t be the same card for the Baldwin, unless they have made some improvements since the Kwikset version was released or if they were trying to make the interior portion of the lock more compact.

Does the Baldwin interior half of the lock resemble the Kwikset?

I have only seen the Kwikset interior in pictures in the install guide. It’s the exact same install guide for the Kwikset as the install guide for the Baldwin. So, they look like they are the same. I do know that the actual Baldwin insides match the illustrations in the install guide. So, I think we can assume the are the same?

When I was at EHX spent a few minutes the the KwikSet people and they said the the Z-Wave locks for the the Baldwins should be out sometime this year. 8)

In other words, be patient… :slight_smile: That’s so hard!

Where did you get your Baldwin? I might just have to try one and see for myself…screw patience :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m with you! I think i’ll try toget one of these dealers to sell me the Kwikset kit and see if it works.

I bought the lock online. I think it was Boston Brass and Lock or something like that. There are two models that are compatible with Home Connect which you will find on the Baldwin site.

You can probably find a better price than I found.

Tried getting the kwikset z-wave kit. I’m told it’s not available yet. I’m just about to purchase the kwikset lock and try it!