DLNA Plugin and Xbox One


Please try to upload the attached file and provide new logs. I have added a trace of the URL when the loading of the URL fails.
Remember that you have to set the variable DebugLogs to 1 in the advanced tab.

Your Vera and your Xbox One are on the same sub-network ?

Hoping I aml not loosing my time with you…

The new traces will be interesting. If your URL is correct, the only reason that the call to luup.inet.wget fails would be a timeout due to the Xbox One taking a lot of time to respond. The timeout for this call is set by my code to 2 seconds. Here is the code that fails:

    local status, xml = luup.inet.wget(descriptionURL, 2)

Yep, on the same network of course! I can use the ‘play to’ feature in Windows 8 and stream to xbox no problem. I can also use DLAN client to connect to XBMC no problem.

There is no L_DLNAUPnPUtility.lua file in the folder to begin with (/etc/cmh-ludl), should I be replacing something?

If you have not this file, you have not done a proper install !

Did you install the plugin from the app store or did you install it manually ?
Do it from the app store, it is easier and you will not forget one file !

Here are the 9 files you should have in /etc/cmh-ludl:
D_DLNAMediaController1.json.lzo J_DLNAMediaController1.js.lzo S_DLNAAVTransport1.xml.lzo
D_DLNAMediaController1.xml.lzo L_DLNATTS.lua.lzo S_DLNAMediaController1.xml.lzo
I_DLNAMediaController1.xml.lzo L_DLNAUPnPUtility.lua.lzo S_DLNARenderingControl1.xml.lzo

Ok I understand. You have to upload the attached file using the Vera UI. You fill the .lua file and the Vera will automatically compress it to produce a *.lua.lze file in /etc/cmh-ludl

I uploaded it with ssh and then reloaded Vera - will that not work? I can redo if not, I’ve attached the resulting log.

I do have all the files now, but it didn’t ask me to overwrite anything before which was curious.

Files have to be uploaded with the Vera UI.
You have now to check that you don’t have a .lua file and a .lua.lzo file and delete the .lua file keeping only the .lzo files.

Sorry, please try with the new attached file, I made a mistake in my last attached file.

Looking at your traces, I see now that sometimes the URL is correctly handled and then further there is an error relative to another HTTP call failing in timeout. I even find HTTP error 412 and 500.

Done, here it is.

Maybe you have to restart the Xbox One because HTTP error code 500 is strange.

Pleas try with the new attached file, I added some error traces and increased the timeout for the wget calls.

Restarting XBOX didn’t help. Here’s the log!

It’s possible the XBOX just doesn’t support it

A minor fix in my file.

What I see now in your logs is that everything is correctly initialized (big improvment) and the Xbox One is notifying the Vera of its current state. But it tells the Vera that there is no media present.
Then you try to push Play and Pause buttons and the XBox one sends an error 500 as result. It could be simply because the Xbox One is considering that there is no media loaded. The proof is that your next Stop command is correctly handled with a OK return code.

Are you sure you have a running media in your XBox One ? Is there a special mode in the XBox one to get a UPnP control ?

I think You could now try to play with the plugin a media from a UPnP server. Is it working ?

Did you try to control the XBox One with another UPnP media controller ?

Hmm, okay that’s weird. So I tried to stream both music and video from my XBMC library to my XBOX ONE and they both actually worked. They both opened in XBOX music or XBOX video.

So I thought that was weird since I tried to play something in XBOX video and it didn’t seem to be recognized by DLNA PLUGIN. I tried playing a trailer in XBOX Video and then tried to play an actual show once I purchased one. Still nothing on the DLNA plugin “No Media”.

All the commands and everything seemed to work fine once stuff was being pushed to XBOX, but nothing already playing on the XBOX.

I’m not sure if this is normal behavior?? in XBMC I can see the play/pause status without pushing content to it.

Thanks for all your help! If you want the log from all that stuff I just did its attached.

The last line in your second file shows an error that lets me think you are still using an old file I provided yesterday with an error (call to an unexisting function named “debug”) ! Did you delete the xxx.lua file in /etc/cmh-ludl ?

If I correctly understand your explanations, as soon as you select through the plugin a media from a server to play it on the XBox One, then you can drive it correctly from the plugin and you got media information ? Everything is working well in this case ?

The only point is that you cannot get the control on the XBox One when the playback was not initiated by the plugin (controller) ? I agrre that it is different from XBMC for example but it could be simply a design choice done by Microsoft ?!

What happens if you start the playback from the plugin and then reload the Vera. Do you keep the control on the media after the reload ?

I always SSHed the logs in and replaced the old file and then rebooted Vera, I assumed it worked since it seemed the logs were coming out OK.

Yep, you understood it correctly.

But I think it’s likely a Microsoft issue as well…it seems the plugin is connected and working. Hopefully they fix that in the future =/ If I restart it while media is playing, if i come back and open xbox video, the same video is still loaded and the DLNA plugin still works…it seems like weird behavior heh.

Even if it does connect properly, I mainly wanted to use it for Netflix - and at this point I doubt that would transfer over even if it did connect. If you have any quick fixes in mind let me know and I can test, but it doesn’t seem hopeful if its an MS issue!

Thanks for you help!