DiO TA3010 On / Off Light Module

Hi all,

Sorry for my poor english and my shortcomings here…

I get a Vera lite with a Rfxcom 433 and I can’t connect my DiO TA3010 On / Off Light Module.

I installed the Rfxcom with the Beta3 download here: http://support.betaalbare-domotica.eu/installing-the-rfxcom-to-the-vera/ or on other website (I tested many times without success to find my On/off light module).

My RFXCom is with the firmware RFXtrx433_Type2_1022.hex (with type 1 I get can’t decode message) and protocole ARC and AC activated (AS I seen it’s those for the DiO/Chacon).

If someone can help it’ll be very nice please :slight_smile:

Thanks to all.

Have you any idea ??? :o :stuck_out_tongue: