Dimmer as a Trigger for a Scene

Hi Folks

I would like to use a Dimmer as a trigger to run a scene. I thought it would be straight forward by Creating a new Scene and using Trigger/Device/When Turned On. However, in such a scenario, nothing happens. I verified the scene by clicking on the Run button. My suspicion is that “When Turned On” is not really true for Dimmers…

Any suggestions on how to get the urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1 working … I played a bit to a LUUP event code but nothing seems to work.

What brand of dimmer do you have? Does or never run, or does the scene run like a minute late?

Most switches do not support instant status which means that they do not tell the Vera that they have been turned on, instead the Vera has to ask the dimmer if it is on and that can take up to a minute or two.

Switches that support instant status are made by Leviton and Cooper.

It is a Lutron Caseta operated over Smart Bridge Pro using RARadio Plugin. The dimmer updates on the webpage appropriately (and fast) with the load level.

Than you need to post over in the RA Plug-in thread, may be triggering from the plug device is not supported. I remember someone else having a similar problem with Caseta Dimmers in the Wink plug-in.

Since this dimmer does not seen to have trigger you can use …

Try PLEG, you can attach to ANY device property and trigger your logic. The fact that the UI is updating means there is some property that you is being changed. You just need a little experimenting to see what it is.

Thanks guys. I tried PLEG and it works…

I have a cooper dimmer and I am trying to sync and LED bulb to the light controlled by that switch.

I run this code every minute and that works, but sometimes I get a message that says “error in LUA code” then I have to go into the code and re save it to get it to work again.

local levelLR = luup.variable_get(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1”, “LoadLevelStatus”, 77)
luup.call_action(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1”, “SetLoadLevelTarget”, {newLoadlevelTarget = levelLR}, 70)

so clearly there must be a better way. i did not see a way to trigger in PLEG.

thanks guys for any help

See http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,31000.0.html

not sure if that link is same thing. I have a cooper switch controlling n over head light and a table lamp with a wave LED bulb. The thread looks like you are associating two cooper devices. Am I not reading this right?

ok so I figured it out with PLEG as trigger comparing the loadlevelstatus between the two lights. Had to use a 8 sec delay function.

Thanks for your help and inspiration.

You could probably just direct associate the bulb to the Cooper if you want it to mirror the overhead light. Then you will not have to have any delay, the bulb will act like it is part of the switch and will always work even if the Vera is off or not working.

To direct associate go into the Cooper switch in device options. Add association group 1, then click set and put a check mark next to the bulb. Save it. After a few minutes the configuration on the Cooper should be complete and will now control the bulb.