Devices to ping, dynamic or static IP?


I’m new to Ping sensor, what i’m wondering about is if the ping sensor save the mac adr or something so it can recognize a device if it uses dynamic IP adr? Or does it work the way I think it do the IP adr have to be dynamic, so the devices always receives the same IP when it enters the network after being away/off etc?
I guess an android phone has dynamic ip adr and can receive different IP adr and will the ping sensor then be reliable?

[quote=“Frode, post:1, topic:190579”]Hi!

I’m new to Ping sensor, what i’m wondering about is if the ping sensor save the mac adr or something so it can recognize a device if it uses dynamic IP adr? Or does it work the way I think it do the IP adr have to be dynamic, so the devices always receives the same IP when it enters the network after being away/off etc?
I guess an android phone has dynamic ip adr and can receive different IP adr and will the ping sensor then be reliable?[/quote]

It only pings one IP address. So your device needs to have the same IP every time it connects to the network. You need a static IP address. There is a two ways of making your phone have the same IP address every time it connect to your network.

A Right way and a Wrong way… ;D

The wrong way is to go in your phone settings and manually set a static IP address in your phone. This will force your phone to have that same ip address and may work but if there is already a device on your network with that IP then you’ll have conflicts and neither deivce will work until one is removed.

The Right way is to reserve an IP in your router. Your router is what hands out an open IP to each device that connects to the network. Routers have an option in them to set a reservation for a device. This will hold that IP open, not let anyone else use it and when that devices comes online it gives it that correct and same IP. This is done by the devices serial# AKA the MAC address.

So in your router you’ll have two things for you to input (maybe a name also) the MAC of your phones wifi and the IP address you want to use. Set these in your router and from then on (until you changes phones) it will always have the same IP.

That make sense, thank you alot :grinning: