Devices report returns nothing

The “devices” report returns a blank page??? It used to work. Running UI5. Any suggestions. I have gone as far as uninstalling and reinstalling plug-in. Thanks in advance.

Watching the Vera3’s Log File, this is what appears when I request the “devices” report

01 06/05/15 10:25:29.455 GetLuaInterface can’t find device type: 3/0x128a0d0 str: 191 <0x3043f680>
01 06/05/15 10:25:29.456 luup_variable_get interface 0x1204a20 args 3 <0x3043f680>
01 06/05/15 10:25:29.456 GetLuaInterface can’t find device type: 3/0x128a0d0 str: 192 <0x3043f680>
01 06/05/15 10:25:29.457 luup_variable_get interface 0x1204a20 args 3 <0x3043f680>

50 06/05/15 10:25:29.538 luup_log:193: visualization: Table(88x7) 9kB in 70mS

Sorry - slow in seeing this post.

No idea initially as to why this might be. Are the other reports OK? Watched variables, etc. I can’t see the connection between the 01 log messages and the 50 one either.