Device UI buttons (PLTS example)

This may be the dumbest question ever, but i can’t seem to find what the different buttons actually do per se, as some (to me) seem like they’d be for the same thing. Using PLTS, here’s what they are… and my guess as to what they do.

ARM - Turns PLTS on (triggers and conditions will execute)
Bypass - Turns PLTS off (triggers and conditions will not execute)
Trigger - Runs the set trigger, starting the timer
Restart - Restarts the timer
On and off - no idea… as it feels like it’s the same as ARM/Bypass
Reset - I thought this might restart the timer, but seems to reset everything back to the “on” or “armed” state.


Dumb and Confused.

Have you read PLTS Basics? I believe it explains the differences between the various states and events in a PLTS.

BTW: The Bypass state prevents Actions from being executed but the Conditions will still fire and you will see the state changes reflected in the buttons.

[quote=“RexBeckett, post:2, topic:186378”]Have you read PLTS Basics? I believe it explains the differences between the various states and events in a PLTS.

BTW: The Bypass state prevents Actions from being executed but the Conditions will still fire and you will see the state changes reflected in the buttons.[/quote]

of course i read it… and PLTS basics as well. And i still couldn’t really find it.
Page 4: User Interface. shows the screen, but doesn’t represent what each button does… just that they mimic most of the events.

I found this later: Don?t forget to Arm the PLTS before you test your logic. If PLTS is set to Bypass, none of the actions
will be executed. The Arm Condition can be used to Arm a Bypassed PLTS as it does not require an
Action. Which lead me to the definitions i stated above.

So here’s my aha moment (told you these would feel like dumb questions)… each of the buttons represents the corresponding setting i have created. So, if i have created a trigger called Motion Motion Sensor tripped , if i click on the button, it will fire that trigger?

On and Off have nothing to do with running the PLTS (that’s arm/bypass), but instead just fire the ON or OFF that I’ve created in the activities tab.

The latter two are good examples of how i’d use the Device UI for testing.

Have i got this right?

Have i got this right?

Not quite. The buttons change the state of the PLTS state-engine directly. They will do this regardless of whether you have specified any Conditions. When Conditions fire, they also change the state of the engine. The state-diagrams are my attempt to explain this.

Depending on the settings of SwitchMode and ResetState, the On and Off buttons may appear to set the same states as Trigger and Reset. This is not always the case, though. On and Off switch the state of the output directly.