Device properties in lu_sdata


I’m currently working on a logger that logs every state change to a database. I’ve noticed that when calling lu_sdata, a different number of properties for a device are returned depending on whether it is a ‘full’ response or partial. See the example below of what I mean:

Initial response:

stdClass Object
 [name] => Washing Machine
 [altid] => 10
 [id] => 31
 [category] => 3
 [subcategory] => 0
 [room] => 2
 [parent] => 1
 [status] => 1
 [light] => 30
 [kwh] => 30.2700
 [state] => -1
 [comment] =>
 [watts] => 108.5

Incremental response:

stdClass Object
 [altid] => 10
 [id] => 31
 [subcategory] => 0
 [room] => 2
 [parent] => 1
 [status] => 1
 [light] => 30
 [kwh] => 30.2700
 [state] => -1
 [comment] =>
 [watts] => 96.7

As you can see, the properties name and category are not present in the incremental response from Vera when the watts value changed. Is there a list of properties for each device I should expect to see returned? Will it only every be those properties missing above that are excluded from responses?

Thanks for the help

sdata is a SUBSET of data … It was an experiment by Vera to limit the data that was transmitted for remote access clients … Almost nobody found it workable.

What is the recommended method/URL for getting the state of Vera?

user_data and status are the requests to use.

Why was sdata found to be unworkable?

Because it only has a SUBSET of the data that most remote apps need.
It works great for things like switches and dimmers.