Device Categories

I just paired an appliance module and it shows up under lights. Is there a way to change it’s device category. Thanks.

Not with out causing other issues with the device. By changing the category number of the device, it will cause issues with 3rd party apps, and so on. There are a few posts that discuss this. You can find them by doing a search.

  • Garrett

The OP mentions two separate issues, where it shows up, and its device category. Garrett is of course correct that messing with its device category would be a bad idea. But the fact that the UI has it show up with lights is an issue that could be improved (by MCV) with a UI update. I think devices should have user definable category attributes. With each device having as many as the user sees fit. Think of it like the “contributing artist” attribute in a music file. This is often just a semi-colon separated string listing as many artists as you wish. You can then ask your music player software to show you all of your music sorted by contributing artist. The same song or album can show up in more than one group if it has more than one contributing artist.

I don’t know if this is the right place for me to describe this kind of feature request. But it seems to me that this is a common obstacle for new users. I think the display of devices is cumbersome at best.