Devcie(s) never configures

Hi all,

sorry to be “mr needy” @ present but my vera system needs all its last gremlins removed and i have a few remaining that are quite a pest.

i have 2 devices in particular that even with vera right next to them, removed and re included, initially configures, then “auto configure” set to “no” so the node is just left alone - i still get the blue strip underneath the device stating it is waiting to wake up to configure node.

the result on top of this is I get Vera status message saying it is configuring zwave nodes and as such my system slows to a snails pace.

what can I check next?

Possibly, you could set the [tt]Configured[/tt] variable to 1 and see if that helps.

it is currently set at -1 which is odd as would have expected 1 or 0? setting to 1 and saving sees it return to -1?


Please send us an email in regards to this issue to and we will try to assist you asap.

Thanks for trying. Interesting. Apparently Vera regenerates a trigger to configure the device (i.e. it is not because the device is not configured, but something else) and ignores the auto-config flag. Did these devices ever work properly with Vera / what brand/model ?

Thanks for trying. Interesting. Apparently Vera regenerates a trigger to configure the device (i.e. it is not because the device is not configured, but something else) and ignores the auto-config flag. Did these devices ever work properly with Vera / what brand/model ?

No problem ? I really appreciate the help  They did work properly and I do have other devices the same as the ones not working that are currently working well. Devices are:

I have since added and configured a simple dimmer switch (mains powered) and this went without a hitch. As such I think the issue could be related to battery operated devices only? I won?t try it but I wonder if removing a currently working battery operated device and trying to re add it may see it fail ? if so this would prove the theory it is only related to battery powered device?s?

I have also received a new 3 in 1 triple sensor this morning that I have tried to add and I get the same issue so it is, I assume, a Vera issue and not a device issue.

Please send us an email in regards to this issue to and we will try to assist you asap.

All done ? thank you.

Thanks. Yes, the ‘wakeup’ stuff would only be related to battery operated devices. A mains powered device can be configured at any time, so Vera won’t have to wait.

Keep in mind that it may take several ‘reload/wakeup/configure’ cycles for a battery operated device, especially the multi-function ones, to be fully configured. I usually speed that up by manually waking up the device each time, until everything is done.

But thats the odd thing, manually waking up the device does not do anything. Normaly it woudl and I could push through full config but now waking the device sees no change in vera?

I see. So either the devices don’t send a wake-up, which doesn’t seem likely given that you observe this with 3 different devices/types/makes, or Vera somehow doesn’t process the wake-ups anymore, or never got them, but you said this happens next to Vera also.

A wake-up window has to be actively kept alive by the controller talking back to the device, or the device will go back to sleep. So I suppose it’s possible Vera is very busy with something else and is ‘too late’ responding to the wake-ups, or there is a routing issue and the devices don’t attempt to talk to Vera directly, causing delay.

Everything you stated here is probably good info for Tech Support. Did they sort this yet?

Hi @oTi@

Was just about to post back an update and you beat me to it :slight_smile:

No news from support yet.

I have however made some progress. I scoured the forums late last night for ideas. I found several to try but the one that has allowed for progress was the below steps:

  1. remove device using full power option
  2. delete any remaining devices that show (in my case they did not as the desired devices previously added that would not configure did in fact remove as expected)
  3. remove batteries from unit and press multiple times the inclusion button (i guess to drain any outstanding power) [NOTE - this was the key part not done before]
  4. do the vera dance
  5. include the device but using full power options in advanced nor the standard way. (not sure if this part really made a difference)

It appears that there must have been power left in the unit and some how this cased settings to be held onto?

So one device so far has worked - in situ it now has a routing issue but that’s another thread or likely will solve itself on a wider heal etc. Not worried about that at present as many units out of normal place etc and once returned and a heal done all will presumably play nicely.

I intend to now test this process with the other units that when i next get a chance - hopefully later today. I am hoping the same happens and a full power down of the device (removing batteries at the correct moment) will fix things.

I will update shortly.

Odd! Normally, a device should reset itself when excluded. That said, I occasionally experience ‘hung’ (mains powered) devices, and toggling the circuit fixes it (presumably because it causes the device to ‘reboot’).

I have now got round to doing the same with two other troublesome devices and it seems so far to have worked also. So the removing the battery part after exclushion seems to be the key.