Detecting battery level on Linear GD00Z device

I have one installed and working. However, the folks at Iris (and others?) say that they will report when the door sensor battery goes low, so there must be a node to read the level. However, the installed UI7 device doesn’t show a battery icon. Anyone know how to do this?


Just poked my curiosity so I went I checked the zwave DB device class and it does not report any battery level over zwave, at least not according to vera so I don’t see how that would be possible.

Thanks for the reply. Technically, Iris doesn’t claim to report the battery level – they claim to report when it’s time to change the battery in the sensor:

The Model TILT 345 tilt sensor is powered by a 2032 lithium battery. If the tilt sensor battery is low, it will be reported to the Iris hub by the Controller.

The GD00Z-3 (Nexia) and GD00Z-4 (GoControl) manuals have similar statements:

The system will notify you when the battery is low, replace the battery with a type CR2032 coin cell.

So, there must be some variable that changes when the CR2032 goes low/bad. Based on the Iris document, I assumed that detection was by reading the battery level of the GD00Z itself, but maybe it’s by detecting a lack of any door sensor value? How does one go about poking Z-Wave devices to determine their node set? (I’m a relative newbie to Z-Wave, but I have a design engineering background, so playing around doesn’t scare me.)

FWIW, I have the GD00Z-1, linked to my Vera Plus as a “GD00Z-4.” I chose the Lowes model because they are available locally, and their price ($75) is the same or lower than comparable Linear, GoControl, etc. versions online. (From what I can tell, all GD00Z models are the same inside – other than the GD00Z-5, which seems to be the only one that is Z-Wave Plus. They’re all made by Nortek, and their installation manuals are pretty much identical.)

It’s annoying that Lowes has chosen to market the GD00Z-1 as an ‘Iris device,’ but not a ‘Z-Wave device.’ The install guide mentions the ‘Z’ word multiple times, but the Z-Wave logo is not on their box; and their tech support says (paraphrasing), “We don’t know if this device will work with other Z-Wave networks. You’d have to ask the manufacturer.”


If you install ALTUI, it has a ZwaveDB section which the vera UI hides and you can see all the information the device sends for configuration. I really have no idea how iris does it but I don’t the battery zwave class from this sensor.

From my system:

Value 74 Barrier Sensor Low Battery Warning

This is a value from the GD00Z-4 it comes from the Access Control Notification class

Hmm interesting, I was looking for Value 80 which is the Battery level. So there is a warning sensor vera is not using.

Edit: just looked at mine and no it does not have it.

[quote=“rafale77, post:6, topic:199211”]Hmm interesting, I was looking for Value 80 which is the Battery level. So there is a warning sensor vera is not using.

Edit: just looked at mine and no it does not have it.[/quote]

That 74 may not be the z-wave parameter. Just the value association I have with it. BTW I’m not pulling this from a Vera but the z-wave class information is supposed to be the same.

Check the Group Associations as well. Vera is never simple when you try to diagnose these problems, if all else fails you can open a ticket with CS and have them look into it.

I contacted Nortek today, the folks who make all the GD00Z devices (Linear, 2Gig, GoControl, Nutone, Nexia, and Iris). The support tech that I spoke to confirmed that the device parameter that Vera needs to detect is Value 74 Barrier Sensor Low Battery Warning. I asked him for a little more info, and he was wasn’t very forthcoming – couldn’t tell if it was a communication issue on my part, or info that he couldn’t or wouldn’t communicate. He did provide me with a toll-free number for Vera to contact them at the vendor level.

I think I’m going to open a ticket with Vera CS and see if I can prod them into implementing this feature, perhaps as a battery icon?

Thanks for the help from this group!


Umm … OK, how does one submit a ticket to Vera CS? I tried to log onto the Vera Support site, and it would seem that I’m not registered there. Then I see this:

Vera Support does not offer self-registration. Please contact your company representative for further information.

So it would seem that I’m not registered with Vera Support, and I can’t register myself, either. >:(



[quote=“drawbars, post:10, topic:199211”]Umm … OK, how does one submit a ticket to Vera CS? I tried to log onto the Vera Support site, and it would seem that I’m not registered there. Then I see this:

Vera Support does not offer self-registration. Please contact your company representative for further information.

So it would seem that I’m not registered with Vera Support, and I can’t register myself, either. >:(


That sounds like a support site for Vera partners. In the Vera UI, got to Settings —> Customer Care. All of your contact options will be listed. Many folks find a phone call to be faster than email. Customer Care is generally excellent.

Thanks. I called them, and they gave me an email address to send everything. Hopefully, the feature will be in place before the battery runs dead. :wink: