Desired location and format of "enthusiast" feedback?

What’s the preferred place and format that Mi Casa Verde would like to receive feedback about our experiences with the device? I’m sure I’m going to have a range from comments and minor suggestions for polish to developer related items and I’d like to start off in the “right” place.

Currently there are two forums, but I’m not sure if you want these via email instead. The other part of the question is whether you’d prefer to have multiple items in one “report” (post/email) or have them as separate items? If we put these in the forums, putting each item in a separate thread would make sense to keep comments for each item together (and easier to track), but it might also look like I’m spamming the forums if I end up on a streak of minor things.

//Tomi B.

If your system is a bad state and something happened that’s not easily reproducible, then I suggest calling right away: (702) 487-9770 and choose support, or if you can’t reach someone there, try extension 803. Those types of issues are can be impossible to fix if we can’t reproduce them, so, when they happen, I always like to stop everything and have a developer look at it. With Vera you can turn on remote assistance which activates a temporary back door to our support server, if you don’t mind letting us poke around and look at your logs and stuff. The back door is closed after 5 hours, or sooner if you click the ‘disable’ button.

If you have a bug, something you know isn’t working like it’s supposed to and can describe how to reproduce it, then you can go straight to the mantis bug reporting and create a bug report (click Support from micasaverde’s home page and bug reporting). You need to register separately for the bug reporting system. Then, send an email to support@ with a link to the bug report so we can review it, prioritize it, and assign it to someone.

If there’s something that’s not working but it’s a design issue, or something that’s subjective and not black & white what’s broken and what needs to be fixed, then it’d be nice to create a topic in the Setup & Usage forum so we can see what other people think about it and be sure we fix it right. Also, email support@ with a link to the forum post so I can have one of our guys throw his 2 cents in.

For wishlists and future features, let’s stick to the forum so everybody can chime in. User feedback will help us prioritize things.

We are better have some dedicated section in this forum specifically for comments that aren’t meant to be answered…

Or is there a “feature request” category for bug reports in your bug-tracking system?