Delete device through Automator?

Very nice app!

I have a scene controller that shows up in Automator in an unassigned room. It does not appear in my UI5 dashboard, and may be making scenes less responsive.

Is there a way to delete this phantom device using Automator?


[quote=“agpb, post:1, topic:173852”]I have a scene controller that shows up in Automator in an unassigned room. It does not appear in my UI5 dashboard, and may be making scenes less responsive.

Is there a way to delete this phantom device using Automator?[/quote]

What you are seeing is a valid device though it is a Vera “internal” device. The vera itself is a scene controller though the UI5 dashboard doesn’t show this; I make it available as some developers benefit from it.

You can hide it in if you wish to no longer see it. It’s presence will have no impact on performance.