A sunrise event this morning did not occur, apparently. I don’t see any logs (they’re all empty) on the Vera that would help me debug this situation. Any advice?
That’s funny you asked about this, as I set up a notification on sunrise too! And it would turn on a light, then it would turn off later.
It didn’t notify me either? But, I was having problems before with my access to the findvera portal. I’ll have to check it tomorrow to see if the notification when out.
gordonmeyer, let me know if you find the logs. I’d be interested in checking mine too.
If you want the inside info on checking logs, telnet into vera, edit: /etc/cmh/cmh.conf. Comment out the first line “LogLevels” by putting a # in front. That will cause Vera to log everything, not just filter certain log levels. Change ImmediatelyFlushLog to 1. That means that Vera won’t buffer the logs so you can see things instantly. By default the logs are rotated every 15 minutes (RotationInterval) and 10 copies are kept (NumberOfCopies), so you have 2.5 hours of logs. You can change NumberOfCopies to 50 or something if you want more.
to follow the main router’s log and see the messages do:
cd /var/log/cmh
tail -f DCERouter.log
to scan the DCERouter.log for ‘sunrise’ do:
grep sunrise /var/log/cmh/DCERouter.log
Also type: date to see if the date/timezone are correct. Sunrise/Sunset events should work. They’re part of our test plan. If they’re not working for you, call us within a couple hours of the event so the logs are still there and we’ll pull the logs off to see why.
Apologies for restarting such an old thread but does the DCERouter.log file exist in the latest firmware on vera2 or has it been replaced by something else?
I can’t find it anywhere on the system and I’ve enabled full logging.