Datamine 2.0 URL

Datamine 1.0 was working well for a couple of years now. I have updated to 2.0 and now the device created on the dashboard points toa URL (my-ip-address/dm) that is not defined (404 error)

I have alread de-installed and reinstalled several times. As part of the installation, the process gives some errors:
Luup : Failed to download all plugins.

Any idea ???

It sounds like the plug-in hasn’t installed correctly for some reason. The directories are created by unpacking a file called dataMine2Web.tar.gz in the directory /www/dm. The file should either be about 700Kb in size or 0Kb in size depending on whether it has been unpacked or not. You could try deleting this file then uninstall and re-install the plug-in. Make sure you wait a while before being tempted to restart your box on the assumption it failed as the files can take a while to download (perhaps even hours if the servers are busy and it has to retry several times). This is the same issue seen here:,35592.195.html#msg301487