
short newbie question.

thanks to json and luup it sems quite easy to get basically anything out of the vera.
but is there a way to also gather some historical informations.

in short, does Vera hold some sort of “database” i can access from the outside ?

specially interesting for power consumption values and log-processing (off site)

No, there is no database and no historical information. Any changes is rewritten to the user_data file in vera. If you are looking for recording historical events, have a look at the datamine plugin.

  • Garrett

[quote=“nullx8, post:1, topic:175238”]short newbie question.

thanks to json and luup it sems quite easy to get basically anything out of the vera.
but is there a way to also gather some historical informations.

in short, does Vera hold some sort of “database” i can access from the outside ?

specially interesting for power consumption values and log-processing (off site)[/quote]
You could use the dataMine plugin to log the data that you want, and if the dataMine GUI doesn’t do what you want you can either download the files it generates, or just access the dataMine database with your own system.

There’s a sub-board for dataMine here -,43.0.html.
