data meter on Vera

Is anyone using a data transfer tool running on Vera? I have Comcast and have been getting close to the 250GB transfer limit and want to track my usage on the Vera. However, the graphs give me a CGI error on the latest build.

Is anyone successfully using any other software to meter their traffic on the Vera?

What is this transfer limit you speak of? never heard of one.

As of October 1st 2008 Comcast formally announced a 250GB/month limit that it has secretly been enforcing for some time. You will get one warning letter before your service is terminated. It affects only a small minority of people, but I sometimes come close to the limit. Comcast promised an online tool back in Jan but has yet to deliver.

If I could have Vera, my only router, track my usage, It would make my life a little easier.

open-wrt should have this capability.