Could i get my Yamaha receiver to do some TTS things?

I recently purchased a Yamaha RX-V675. of course i installed the plugin for my Vera, and i love the functionality.

that being said, is there anything else i can do with it besides you know, turn it on and mess with some of the buttons?

what do you guys use this plugin for.

also, is there anyway i could get it to do some TTS things like the sonos has?

for example, if the alarm is armed and one of the entry doors is opened, could i get it to say, “PLEASE DISARM ALARM” or something like that?

curious to see what you guys think.

thanks guys.

I don’t have a Yamaha RX-V675, so I can’t speak to it or what the plugin does… but I can provide some insight into how the sonos TTS feature works. the sonos plugin basically reaches out to a predefined TTS server (by default this uses the google translate service), the TTS server converts the query string into an mp3. This mp3 is then downloaded to the vera and the sonos is handed a URI to that mp3 and directed to play it.

So it’s all a bit of smoke and mirrors orchestrated by the plugin, not something that’s built into the sonos. If the Yamaha unit is capable of streaming mp3 data from a URI, then the above is absolutely possible–it just comes down to somebody taking the time to write the code.

This does pose an interesting question though: would it make sense to split the TTS code from the sonos plugin into a standalone entity, kind of like the UPnP event proxy?

The DLNA plugin should be the solution for you, if your Yamaha receiver is compatible with DLNA.

[quote=“SM2k, post:2, topic:184245”]I don’t have a Yamaha RX-V675, so I can’t speak to it or what the plugin does… but I can provide some insight into how the sonos TTS feature works. the sonos plugin basically reaches out to a predefined TTS server (by default this uses the google translate service), the TTS server converts the query string into an mp3. This mp3 is then downloaded to the vera and the sonos is handed a URI to that mp3 and directed to play it.

So it’s all a bit of smoke and mirrors orchestrated by the plugin, not something that’s built into the sonos. If the Yamaha unit is capable of streaming mp3 data from a URI, then the above is absolutely possible–it just comes down to somebody taking the time to write the code.

This does pose an interesting question though: would it make sense to split the TTS code from the sonos plugin into a standalone entity, kind of like the UPnP event proxy?[/quote]

i would love to have something like that be possible, though it seems that with a DLNA plugin, and a bit of time, this can be accomplished, i found out that my receiver is DLNA compatible so that solves alot of the problems, now i just need to figure out how to intigrate this with the plugin, i think this could be a HUGE boost to vera. having your automation system not only do things for you but also talk to you as well.

makes me smile just thinking about it!

[quote=“fencing49, post:4, topic:184245”]i would love to have something like that be possible, though it seems that with a DLNA plugin, and a bit of time, this can be accomplished, i found out that my receiver is DLNA compatible so that solves alot of the problems, now i just need to figure out how to intigrate this with the plugin, i think this could be a HUGE boost to vera. having your automation system not only do things for you but also talk to you as well.

makes me smile just thinking about it![/quote]

I use the heck out of the “say” feature on my sonos. I get automatic reminders to take out the trash, prep the coffee, birthdays, flooding in the basement, door or windows opened when armed, rotate the laundry… etc. :wink:

I am thinking about picking up a RX-V675 myself and am wondering if you progressed with this at all fencing49? How has the receiver been holding up?

The receiver is absolutly amazing, certainly exceeded my expectation for the price. as far as TTS goes, i have yet to find a option to fix this. however i found out that using Air Audio, i could speak into my phones microphone and have it play out through the receiver speakers. i think by using this technology, there might be a way to bypass this to do a TTS.

the yamaha plugin is still awesome to have.

The receiver is absolutly amazing, certainly exceeded my expectation for the price. as far as TTS goes, i have yet to find a option to fix this. however i found out that using Air Audio, i could speak into my phones microphone and have it play out through the receiver speakers. i think by using this technology, there might be a way to bypass this to do a TTS.

the yamaha plugin is still awesome to have.[/quote]’

Thanks for the update!

I have an HTR-7065 (basically the Costco version of the V775) and a V575. I bought the V575 for my bedroom based on how much I enjoy the 7065 inmy livingroom and the fact I knew I could control it via the Yamaha plugins. I actually use them as an alarm clock in the AM if I have to go to work. Using the plug-in Vera will switch them on at the scheduled time and switch them to Tuner. After a set time, it will switch them back to Cable and turn them off. Yes, I have a real clock radio as a backup just in case.

I hadn’t looked into TTS yet but they are able to play/stream audio from a network location so sound files could be created and played. Perhaps using something like this: FreeTTS 1.2.3 - A speech synthesizer written entirely in the Java(TM) programming language

rasp pi with squeeze plug image installed and squeezebox plug in for vera. no the best audio but works well enough for tts.