Consult regarding status of Luup / UPnP side of Vera


Some months ago I remember Vera had an important bug in luup.callaction function… something regarding parameters not being sent in the right order because of Lua nature. This issue prevented us from controlling UPnP devices properly. I would like to know if Vera team is fixing again UPnP issues, for example if this issue has been corrected or planned to be fixed and so on. I remember that MCV was not evolving Vera as an universal UPnP gateway and they were more focused in Z-Wave side. Has this changed after these months? Any good news here?

And just another question, by chance LUUP API’s are nowadays open so we can modify them or are they still closed ?

Thanks a lot
and best regards.

I have not heard anything new to fix the UPnp side of Vera. You can have a look at the wiki to see what the release notes state. The only UPnp fix that I can think of was to correct interference with other devices on the UPnP network. I believe this is still an issue on the current Vera Lite 1.5.408 firmware and fixed in Vera 3. The beta firmware I believe fixes this on Vera Lite.

As for the making changes to the luup api’s. This is all done in the Mios engine which is closed source and only MCV can make changes.

  • Garrett