Configure ZWave Retry Settings?

In Vera (I have VeraEdge) How can I configure the number of times a ZWave signal is retried and the time interval between retries?

I look forward to seeing other responses but I would say that YOU CAN’T

You can’t? That seems like something pretty basic… If that basic configuration ability isn’t there, I imagine they could add it easily in an update. no?

I must admit that I personally don’t see a major need for it. I just know that it retries enough times to know that it can’t connect and then gives up. Every time I get failure after all re-tries it always means that the device has lost power or something similar.

I frequently run into scenarios where it fails and then 5 minutes later it works fine.

If that was me I would be looking for the reason for the fails. I only get fails when, for example, my wife has turned of the isolator to the bathroom fan which turns of the z-wave device. I suppose I am lucky I dont get unexpected fails.

Yes, I suppose you are lucky.

The interval and number of retries is just a variable, so it should be easily configurable. Anyone?

Can anyone point me to a controller which does allow this? I would think this is basic functionality.

On my VeraPlus, if i select a device settings - Advanced - Variables there are options named “PollNoReply”, “CommFailure” and “CommFailureTime”

I have no idea what those parameters do, and what happens if You play with these. Use at own risk!

MSW if you are on the latest firmware for the Edge (or Plus) there are known routing bugs in z-wave chip firmware update causing devices fall on an off the network, even at close range, that is likely the source of your problem. Supposedly a new firmware update is coming soon to help address the issue.

Wow. Thanks for letting me know.

  1. How do they not get ahead of this and send an email to people letting them know the problem and that a fix is on the way?
  2. How bad does your internal test lab need to be to release a firmware that breaks the fundamental feature that your product offers? It would be like releasing a new car with upgraded air conditioning but the engine shuts down above 40 MPH.

Just Wow.

And of course, the actual feature that I’m requesting is pretty basic. Maybe it should have been there day 1, but why isn’t it there by now? Does Vera even read these forums?

Not everyone has issues if you have battery power devices they seem to be the worst hit. the issue is with the z-wave chipset firmware that came from a third party, that was included with the general firmware update (which caused Vera or lose some of its advanced routing management) and yes it is pretty ridiculous makes me glad I stayed on an older version of the Edge firmware (before they upgrade the z-wave chip set firmware).

As far as a set table retry feature don’t know how standard or easy that is to expose, I don’t know of any controllers that expose it, or atleast easily.

Here is some infor on how to force a network heal if you mesh goes wonky and drops nodes:

Manually initiate a network heal in UI7.


This Lua code accomplishes the same task.
Code: [Select]

– Initiate Z-Wave network heal.
– Intended for starting heal after adding new devices.

– Depending on the size of your network, a heal can take a very long time.

local URN = “urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1”
local ACT = “HealNetwork”
local BATT = {BatteryMinutes=30} – Default 30. Nightly 60.
local ITR = {StressCycles=2} – Default probably ample.
local START= {StartStage=1}
local STOP = {StopStage=3} – Default 7. UI7.10 or greater probably needs to go no further than 3.

luup.call_action(URN, ACT, BATT, ITR, START, STOP)

[quote=“shallowearth, post:12, topic:192565”]Not everyone has issues if you have battery power devices they seem to be the worst hit. the issue is with the z-wave chipset firmware that came from a third party, that was included with the general firmware update (which caused Vera or lose some of its advanced routing management) and yes it is pretty ridiculous makes me glad I stayed on an older version of the Edge firmware (before they upgrade the z-wave chip set firmware).

As far as a set table retry feature don’t know how standard or easy that is to expose, I don’t know of any controllers that expose it, or atleast easily.[/quote]

thanks for the help. The controller must have an internal setting of retry X times and it also must have a internal setting of how many seconds between each retry. Exposing that should be trivial and to me is basic functionality. It puts control of the durability/reliability of the zwave signals in the hands of the system owner. If no other controller has it, Vera could make a great differentiator by exposing it and it should be very simple.

Welll… technically it fails because you connected it in such a way that your wife was able to turn off the isolator… :wink:

Welll… technically it fails because you connected it in such a way that your wife was able to turn off the isolator… ;)[/quote]
The isolator is up high but she can still reach it. She knows the fan turns itself off after my time delay but sometimes she decides she wants it off NOW!

Welll… technically it fails because you connected it in such a way that your wife was able to turn off the isolator… ;)[/quote]
The isolator is up high but she can still reach it. She knows the fan turns itself off after my time delay but sometimes she decides she wants it off NOW![/quote]
I’m sure I was speaking from her point of view… haha


[quote=“shallowearth, post:13, topic:192565”]Here is some infor on how to force a network heal if you mesh goes wonky and drops nodes:

Manually initiate a network heal in UI7.


This Lua code accomplishes the same task.
Code: [Select]

– Initiate Z-Wave network heal.
– Intended for starting heal after adding new devices.

– Depending on the size of your network, a heal can take a very long time.

local URN = “urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1”
local ACT = “HealNetwork”
local BATT = {BatteryMinutes=30} – Default 30. Nightly 60.
local ITR = {StressCycles=2} – Default probably ample.
local START= {StartStage=1}
local STOP = {StopStage=3} – Default 7. UI7.10 or greater probably needs to go no further than 3.

luup.call_action(URN, ACT, BATT, ITR, START, STOP)[/quote]