Complete Crash

I tried to upgrade to the UI3 and after 20 minutes of waiting for it to finish i disconnected power and re applied. now I can’t access vera at all, can’t restore with the button to default, and can’t even see the wireless connection. i now am dead in the water and don’t know what to do to at least get the system operating again. HELP!!!Please!!

In additional to trying anything people suggest here, I’d open a ticket with support and give them a call in the morning.

You may need to do a firmware flash to get Vera going again. You will loose all your settings unless you took a recent backup. Download the software and the last stable firmware release for your UI and follow these instructions;


As one of our customer suggested, open a ticket to support and we will gladly help you. Another thing, do you own Vera 1 or Vera 2 hardware version? Can you please tell us what’s the Power/ETH1 light state (solid, double-blinking, slow steady blink)?

I bought the unit in 2009. I believe that it is Vera 1, but don’t know how to tell. The power light is slowly blinking.

I followed the link posted above and will try that when i get homoe. Sounds like that should take care of it. My backup is of 979. Will I be able to restore that into the UI3 version? If not I would like to revert to 979 so that I can restore my backup and then go back to the UI3. By the way I have Vera 1 judging by the picture on the link above.