[_CODE_] WAI - Where Am I? V0.2

EOL, unsupported.


[ul][li]Upload the four files from the ZIP file to your box: ‘MiOS Developers’ → ‘Luup files’ → ‘Upload files’,[/li]
[li]check ‘Restart Luup after upload’, click ‘Go’, wait for Lua to restart,[/li]
[li]‘Create device’ tab → ‘UpnpDevFilename’: D_WAI.xml → click ‘Create device’,[/li]
[li]restart the Lua engine several times to initialise the UPnP variable.[/li][/ul]


If WAI tells you your address, you should think about your security concept. ;D

  1. That’s why I didn’t put exact coordinates in there. But those nasty neighbors’, or the local PD’s. :wink:

Sorry, but what is the utility of this plugin ?? :-[

Increasing security awareness among Vera users and teaching how to display text on the GUI using a security hole (HTML code injection via an UPnP variable).

A mobile Vera (in a car, boat, plane, …) could display her current ‘address’.

Ok ! Very interesting: HTML code injection via an UPnP variable :smiley:

Another use case for WAI: http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php?topic=6492.0

Where is the zip file for this plugin? I would like to play with it!

See the Google Docs download link in the first post. (You do have to log in with a google account.)

Please update to V0.2.

Hi Ap!

Could you please give me access to the files of this plugin?

You must have a request to access the plugin in Google Docs, that needs your approval.

Thanks a lot
and best regards.

Same for UGC and FUD!

Thank you!

Since AP15e is not longer participating on the forums. I believe he removed access to all of his plugins for a reason. You might be out of luck.

  • Garrett

Now I’ve read his farewell post and I must say that’s devastating news, for many reasons!