cloning function for workflows on openluup: only Vera devices availible

@amg: I am trying to move away from Vera completely and run everything on openluup except for zwave radio. I setup a PI3 with a RaZberry board running Zway to cover the zwave radio part. I am testing @akbooer 's ZWay plugin which mirrors the devices included on the Razberry to openluup. This is working quite nicely so far.

My transition plan would be going like this:

  • exclude/include devices in Zway
  • rename the mirrored devices on openluup so I know what is what (keep the naming convention I have been using on Vera) and move everything to the right rooms
  • clone my workflows one by one and change the devices to the newly included devices in the cloning UI
  • spend no more time with recovering devices that have dropped of the mesh after a while:-)

When I tried to clone a workflow which is using a door sensor on Vera, in the drop list for exchanging the previously used devices to the new devices only those on Vera show up, none of the newly included/mirrored devices (only 10xxx device numbers show up).
Is there a way to accomplish what I am trying to do?

[quote=“pls90, post:1, topic:199392”]@amg: I am trying to move away from Vera completely and run everything on openluup except for zwave radio. I setup a PI3 with a RaZberry board running Zway to cover the zwave radio part. I am testing @akbooer 's ZWay plugin which mirrors the devices included on the Razberry to openluup. This is working quite nicely so far.

My transition plan would be going like this:

  • exclude/include devices in Zway
  • rename the mirrored devices on openluup so I know what is what (keep the naming convention I have been using on Vera) and move everything to the right rooms
  • clone my workflows one by one and change the devices to the newly included devices in the cloning UI
  • spend no more time with recovering devices that have dropped of the mesh after a while:-)

When I tried to clone a workflow which is using a door sensor on Vera, in the drop list for exchanging the previously used devices to the new devices only those on Vera show up, none of the newly included/mirrored devices (only 10xxx device numbers show up).
Is there a way to accomplish what I am trying to do?[/quote]

well that clone feature proposes to switch devices based on their device type. so It would only propose you devices of the same device types.

I believe that is way my approach to this problem was sligtly different from akbooer’s one. In the RaZberry plugin, I create device of the same type as vera’s one and whenever possible mimick the vera behavior / attributes. you may wanna try with RaZberry see if it works for you
I have stopped momentarely development on RaZberry plugin for ZWay but it works and I would propably resume it if MCV continues to frustrate me with undocumented changes and no support for google home/ifttt in due time

OK, I’ll look into the Razberry plugin, too.
Would it be possible to lift the restriction regarding the device type you have implemented (for a very good reason obviously) to get around this problem?

[quote=“pls90, post:3, topic:199392”]OK, I’ll look into the Razberry plugin, too.
Would it be possible to lift the restriction regarding the device type you have implemented (for a very good reason obviously) to get around this problem?[/quote]

No because the device type is a contract, it tells which API the device supports and to exchange a device by another one we need to make sure the same API will be supported. So it is quite important to keep that restriction

OK, installed the RaZberry Plugin.

In the cloning dialog now the door sensor shows up (yes!), but there is this error visible (in cloning page and every device page) :

TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined at Altui_ExecuteFunctionByName (J_ALTUI_utils.js:190:23) at _deviceIconHtml ( at _internalDeviceDraw ( at _deviceDraw ( at HTMLDivElement. ( at Function.each ( at w.fn.init.each ( at Object._refreshUI [as refreshUI] ( at endDrawDevice ( at J_ALTUI_multibox.js:423:15

Just a quick&dirty check:

Device2: Fibaro Roller Shutter 2
Device3: Roller Shutter:
displayed as dimmer device. ON/Off = up/down works, positioning is NOT.

Device4: Aeotec Multisensor 6: not displayed, error message

Error displaying device 0-118 - urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:razb:unk:1 Cannot read property 'call' of undefined

Device5: Fibaro door/window sensor 1 with DS18B20: reed contact working, temperature is NOT displayed

Device6: Fibaro binary sensor with DS18B20: both binary inputs working, temperature is displayed

Device7: Fibaro Wall plug: on/off working

Device8: Fibaro Single Switch 2: on/off working

I strongly believe that the ZWAY plugin / RaZberry plugin would be the perfect solution for all the trouble we see with Vera and many people here would greatly appreciate a solution which does not force them to start over on a new ecosystem.

I’d be more than happy to provide you with any info that is needed to improve device support within the plugin.
Please find attached the json export from ZWAY as mentioned in your initial post.