Check if television is switched on

Is there a way to check if my television is switched on or not? My television is connected to the my network via wifi as well as via a network cable.
It’s connected to my router, so the router should know if it’s on or not, right?

If the TV is connected to your network and have a IP address the Ping Sensor plugin is what you are looking for!

Just make sure the router is set to give the TV a static IP address!

It showing on the network doesn’t necessarily mean it’s actually on. My Yamaha receivers are pingable even if they are in Standby mode. I can detect if they are on via the Yamaha plugin. Your TV may have a way to access it’s status via eg an HTTP command or similar. But the Vera forums would not be the right place to find out more on that. Perhaps the AVSForums of the manufacturers support forums are more suitable for that question as far as getting a usable answer.

A smartswitch by aeon can check the wattage used. You can tell if its on or in standby by the wattage it is pulling.

Good idea! Fibaro Wall Plug have the same functionality.

Thank you all for your replies and ideas.
After looking into all the possibilities , I have chosen to use a simple ping command in a batch file.

Well…this is the whole story. I have some security cameras running with Blue Iris. Each time the front camera is activated, I run a batch file that activates the lights at the back in the kitchen and living room…and this for 5 minutes only after sunset. To do this I use http requests towards my Vera 3.
This works fine, but the lights do not have to be triggered when we are at home. Therefor I now also check if the television is switched on . If that’s the case, I will not activate the lights.

Thanks again,

Why don’t you use the ping sensor to check if your cellphone (and you) is in the house?


Hi Cor,
thanks for the info…hadn’t thought about that. Will look into it :smiley:


I just realized that the ping sensor is not working for me. I forgot to mention that the system must work during the night, when we are sleeping (and thus when the television is in standby).

[quote=“Django, post:9, topic:186773”]Cor,
I just realized that the ping sensor is not working for me. I forgot to mention that the system must work during the night, when we are sleeping (and thus when the television is in standby).[/quote]

Why not? Do you have a static IP set for you phone? Is you phone set to on wifi and not sleep? what kind of phone?

I’m not a specialist on the phones. I have a samsung galaxy s5 mini. How does the phone know I’m sleeping?

Do I inderstand correct?

Unless you switch of your phone at night ( or in airplane mode) it will function good with the ping sensor , I do “exactly” the same.

-Get the ping sensor.
-setup as many ping sensor devices as phones
-set up a fixed Ip adress on the phones.
-get the virtual switch on vera3
-make a scene ( er better use PLEG), that when the ping sensor is armed the virtual switch goes to onor off.
-another scene with a trigger from the virtual switch, when triggerd , run that batch file.

Think that will work better as the television.


Why does the phone need to know your asleep? It doesn’t know it just knows your home, or better yet if the phone is home.

This is in reguards to when you say “This works fine, but the lights do not have to be triggered when we are at home. Therefor I now also check if the television is switched on”

Instead of checking if the TV is on to determine if you are at home, check if you phone is at home on wifi. That means your home don’t turn on the lights!