Certain Devices Not Controllable from Vera Mobile

I’m sure it’s not news to everyone that certain devices aren’t controllable from the Vera Mobile UI. They appear on the Device list and Dashboard, but with no buttons. I assume this has something to do with the JSON file code they’re associated with. Does anyone know any specifics on how to add a control to the JSON file that will appear on the Mobile interface? Or is not the JSON and something else entirely?

Specifically, I’m trying to get a virtual switch to work on mobile, which uses D_VSwitch_UI7.json. I also have a plugin I use for a Denon receiver device that has its own custom JSON file.


IMO, not fair that this gets posted on the second page because mod didn’t approve for 2 days

Use one of the other Vera apps that can be found in the “Remote Control” sub-forums.

Thanks, but I’d prefer to get it working on the official app, just need some direction on how. I’m not using it remotely (just a tablet mounted on the wall with VeraMobile running on it), but if this need to be moved to the Remote Control forum to get attention, then I’ll happily do so. Can anyone explain how I can go about moving it?

In my experience, few people take the official app seriously.

Thanks, but I’d prefer to get it working on the official app, just need some direction on how. I’m not using it remotely (just a tablet mounted on the wall with VeraMobile running on it), but if this need to be moved to the Remote Control forum to get attention, then I’ll happily do so. Can anyone explain how I can go about moving it?[/quote]

I think the problem is… The issue is not on VERA’s end so much as it’s on the APP’s end. If the APP doesn’t support it’s not in the APP. The same goes for the aftermarket apps. Not every device (“plugin” is what we really mean here) is supported in those either. But the most common ones are and they are done by asking the app maker to add support to their app for this json or device.

So at this point unless you were to change the device in VERA to a common device that is supported in the Stock Vera app I don’t think you have any way to do anything.

And I don’t use the stock VERA app myself or know why you would want to anyways.

I would agree except for people that didn’t know all the other apps existed or have tried them.

Your Virtual Switch is the result of a plugin. It is not a standard Z-Wave device and it is not “understood” by Vera, until the plugin is installed. Similarly you Vera app does not have any understanding of this non-standard device, so it can’t do anything with it.

This situation is common with plugin-created non-standard devices and smartphone apps. It can only be resolved if the smartphone app creator programs in an understanding of that plugin’s devices. This inclusion by the app creator usually only happens with the bigger apps and the most frequently used plugins.

Vera has not chosen to support the Virtual switch plugin in their smartphone app. Find an app that supports virtual switch or accept your present circumstance.

Since you are mounting the tablet on a wall, why not use a browser instead of the app?

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Sadly in the case of the Vera app they had custom devices working on the early beta versions of Andriod app with the exception of a couple of formatting issues. These were simply due to some positioning woes. If the device type had a static JSON then it would render the controls, the correct state, and execute the commands. Oddly, they opted to simply remove the functionality and go back to hardcoding the devices. Weird, just weird.

I was under the impression that part of the reason for changing the rendering mechanisms on 7.05 was so that the mobile app could more effectively render the controls.

I asked a couple of times whether they were going to support it and got the obligatory we are still working on it, but all I can assume is that they opted to put their time into other things. Seems pretty silly to hardcode each device that you are going to support when the potential is growing every day.

Sadly in the case of the Vera app they had custom devices working on the early beta versions of Andriod app with the exception of a couple of formatting issues. These were simply due to some positioning woes. If the device type had a static JSON then it would render the controls, the correct state, and execute the commands. Oddly, they opted to simply remove the functionality and go back to hardcoding the devices. Weird, just weird.

I was under the impression that part of the reason for changing the rendering mechanisms on 7.05 was so that the mobile app could more effectively render the controls.

I asked a couple of times whether they were going to support it and got the obligatory we are still working on it, but all I can assume is that they opted to put their time into other things. Seems pretty silly to hardcode each device that you are going to support when the potential is growing every day.[/quote]

I think it goes back to the users that are running custom plugin won’t run a stock app due to customizable options out. I also like to direct stream my cameras in same app and vera stock app will never support devices outside vera. So I think they correctly focused their time on make sure the stock devices show up correctly and normal users get an app and is working failry good rather then trying to added devices that power users request. I personally would have a lot of requests before i would drop homewave and imperihome to move to the stock apps.

Sadly in the case of the Vera app they had custom devices working on the early beta versions of Andriod app with the exception of a couple of formatting issues. These were simply due to some positioning woes. If the device type had a static JSON then it would render the controls, the correct state, and execute the commands. Oddly, they opted to simply remove the functionality and go back to hardcoding the devices. Weird, just weird.

I was under the impression that part of the reason for changing the rendering mechanisms on 7.05 was so that the mobile app could more effectively render the controls.

I asked a couple of times whether they were going to support it and got the obligatory we are still working on it, but all I can assume is that they opted to put their time into other things. Seems pretty silly to hardcode each device that you are going to support when the potential is growing every day.[/quote]

Thanks for summing that up so well!

I was hoping to use the app as a simplified interface for my wife to use from the kitchen. It sounded like a good concept for me because it would require ZERO maintenance from my end -I could just add devices to the Dashboard as needed and be confident that my wife would see them in the app. The browser interface doesn’t use the tablet’s screen real estate very efficiently and gives her way more buttons that she could accidentally click on and cause damage.

It’s a shame -everything worked fine on the MobileApp up until this point. And those virtual switches are a pretty essential part of what I’m doing, so back to square one…

You haven’t said what square one is, but now that we know what your doing. If you tell us what tablet your using maybe we can recommend an app for you.

Sadly in the case of the Vera app they had custom devices working on the early beta versions of Andriod app with the exception of a couple of formatting issues. These were simply due to some positioning woes. If the device type had a static JSON then it would render the controls, the correct state, and execute the commands. Oddly, they opted to simply remove the functionality and go back to hardcoding the devices. Weird, just weird.

I was under the impression that part of the reason for changing the rendering mechanisms on 7.05 was so that the mobile app could more effectively render the controls.

I asked a couple of times whether they were going to support it and got the obligatory we are still working on it, but all I can assume is that they opted to put their time into other things. Seems pretty silly to hardcode each device that you are going to support when the potential is growing every day.[/quote]

I think it goes back to the users that are running custom plugin won’t run a stock app due to customizable options out. I also like to direct stream my cameras in same app and vera stock app will never support devices outside vera. So I think they correctly focused their time on make sure the stock devices show up correctly and normal users get an app and is working failry good rather then trying to added devices that power users request. I personally would have a lot of requests before i would drop homewave and imperihome to move to the stock apps.[/quote]

I would agree with you here with a couple of exceptions. The stock app supported everything I have with the initial beta versions. For instance, Caddx was capable of arm/disarm. The Intellitouch functions were stronger than the $4k screen logic system I run for the pool. And the labels on garage door controls were finally correct. The only thing was that there were some positioning issues. I assume that it is developed using jquery mobile on the device in an overlay. If that’s true they needed to do some css tricks to get the positioning down. Other than that it worked pretty well. Perhaps those issues were just too difficult to overcome.

As for H.264 I wouldn’t tread into those waters either. In fact MS and Google are opting out and it is shaping up to be the next fine print based licensing lawsuit. Cisco who bought a bunch of licenses will not be renewing and VP9 will likely never make it onto an iFruity device.

I don’t want to confuse you. This was on an unreleased beta of the Android app where this worked. There were plenty of other issues with it. However, take a look a Virtual Panel. You can create some dashboard panels that do only what you want her to do and point the tablet browser to it. It might get you to some level that you are looking for.

No, I meant everything had been going well with my plan of using VeraMobile until I hit this hurtle of not being able to use these particular devices (from third-party plugins).

Your plugin looks amazing and will probably do the trick. I’ll try it out soon. Thanks again for your help!

I’m in a similar situation: tried to upgrade the Vera UI about a year ago but found out that VeraMobile couldn’t control all of my devices (maybe not my Train Thermostats or my DSC alarm panel - can’t remember exactly). Had to downgrade to UI5 so I could use HomeBuddy which does control absolutely everything. But HomeBuddy is out of support and isn’t compatible with UI7.

So if not the new VeraMobile, what would be the new equivalent of HomeBuddy that is compatible with UI7? Otherwise, I’m stuck with the outdated UI5 and a de-supported Android app.

Actually, answering my own question: ImperiHome seems to look and feel somewhat similar to HomeBuddy. So maybe it’s the replacement app.

Now I just need to wonder what the benefit is in upgrading from UI5 to UI7.

Your cabinet is overstocked with tylenol and your board from not banging your head on the wall?