"Can't Detect Device" (after upgrader to UI7) and PLEG

I just updated to UI7 and I have got several sensors the is reported as “Can’t detect device” but still working OK. I searched the forum and found the only remedy to be to remove them and include them again.

I started this and with the sensors that has the least conditions and actions attached to them. I first removed the sensor from the network and then included it again in the normal way. When I enter a PLEG where the sensor output is part of a condition the system asks if conditions with removed devices should be removed. I can not get further without either answering yes or close the pop up window. Then all conditions dependent on the sensor output is removed. This is very annoying and leads to the need for entering all conditions again.

Is there any way to omit this?

Are you sure the conditions are getting deleted ?
I thought I only deleted the inputs when the devices they reference are deleted.

Please show a screen shot of the dialog.

Richard, he specifically stated he deleted and re-added the device.

Some times you have device that gets into a bad state and delete and re-add is the only way to fix it. Sometimes Vera will not let you re-add it until the old entry is deleted, unfortunately in these cases PLEG tries to be helpful and forces you to delete all associated entries, causing you to lose all your info, which is actually not helpful.

It Would be great if you actually gave the option to not delete the conditions so you could fix them up.

But what Richard is saying is it doesn’t automatically delete the whole conditions! All it deletes is the one device that doesn’t exist anymore!

For example if you have a condition like below

BathroomLightOn = BathroomDoorClosed and Night

But you delete(or somehow it got removed) the input device or “trigger” called “BathroomDoorClosed” then the condition will throw an error and tell you I’m going to delete “BathroomDoorClosed” since it’s missing this input. Your condition called “BathroomLightOn” doesn’t dissapear or get deleted (this is where both the OP and your self are getting confused in your wording). It just get changed to

BathroomLightOn= and Night

Since the “BathroomDoorClosed” is now missing from the Trigger list.

This same goes for if you rename an input or trigger. If you were to rename it, the conditions will automagiclly adjust and rename that device in every condition its used in so you don’t have to go threw everyone and manually change it on your own.

[quote=“elo, post:1, topic:190351”]I just updated to UI7 and I have got several sensors the is reported as “Can’t detect device” but still working OK. I searched the forum and found the only remedy to be to remove them and include them again.

I started this and with the sensors that has the least conditions and actions attached to them. I first removed the sensor from the network and then included it again in the normal way. When I enter a PLEG where the sensor output is part of a condition the system asks if conditions with removed devices should be removed. I can not get further without either answering yes or close the pop up window. Then all conditions dependent on the sensor output is removed. This is very annoying and leads to the need for entering all conditions again.

Is there any way to omit this?[/quote]

To answer your question directly the answer would be NO or not at this time.

The problem is when you delete the device from VERA and re add it as you know you get a different device ID and it’s now no longer the same device in VERA’s eyes, its a new device so to speak. PLEG is the same. The old device is gone and the new device now needs to be setup in the triggers and it needs to be given a name. The name can’t be the same as the old one if it’s still there, which it’s not.

So since your starting over with the device in vera your also starting over in PLEG.

I know this is not what your looking to hear but the real solution is to fix that device or chuck it if it’s a constant issue (not sure if this was a one time deal during upgrading or if this happens alot for you) Battery devices and especially AEON devices seem to have the most trouble in general.

Honestly I would prefer both Vera and PLEG just leave the bad statements there as an option because sometimes you can’t remember what you had or did, making it very difficult to recreate later. My favorite was when my Sonos was freaking out, and Vera would oh so helpfully delete all my scenes associated with my sonos device :wink:

But for PLEG there is a super nice report option that gives you every thing you need to recreate It. If you can avoid deleting the device and add a new one than you can just update the name of the device in PLEG to the new one, then delete the older z-wave device. If that is not possible, I would recommend Printing out a report of the PLEG device before deleting your z-wave device. You can use that to re-add any conditions or triggers that get deleted. I save off a report of all my PLEG devices to make it easy to clone PLEG items I like, or fix up old PLEG devices when I need to replace a switch or other z-wave maintenance.

Sorry for late involvement but just returned form Christmas holiday in the Norwegian mountains. I still have the sensors with the most conditions associated to fix so I will pay close attention to what is happening.

And YES I did have to remove the sensors with the message “Can’t detect Device” in order to be allowed to include them again.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:2, topic:190351”]Are you sure the conditions are getting deleted ?
I thought I only deleted the inputs when the devices they reference are deleted.

Please show a screen shot of the dialog.[/quote]

But what Richard is saying is it doesn’t automatically delete the whole conditions! All it deletes is the one device that doesn’t exist anymore!

For example if you have a condition like below

BathroomLightOn = BathroomDoorClosed and Night

But you delete(or somehow it got removed) the input device or “trigger” called “BathroomDoorClosed” then the condition will throw an error and tell you I’m going to delete “BathroomDoorClosed” since it’s missing this input. Your condition called “BathroomLightOn” doesn’t dissapear or get deleted (this is where both the OP and your self are getting confused in your wording). It just get changed to

BathroomLightOn= and Night

Since the “BathroomDoorClosed” is now missing from the Trigger list.

This same goes for if you rename an input or trigger. If you were to rename it, the conditions will automagiclly adjust and rename that device in every condition its used in so you don’t have to go threw everyone and manually change it on your own.[/quote]

I do think that the ENTIRE condition is deleted and not only the trigger that is missing. To be sure I will print the status as a pdf file before and after and check this out and then come back.

It is not a crisis but it will require some work to reproduce everything and this due to an obvious bug which several people has pointed up when updating from UI5 to UI7

[quote=“shallowearth, post:6, topic:190351”]Honestly I would prefer both Vera and PLEG just leave the bad statements there as an option because sometimes you can’t remember what you had or did, making it very difficult to recreate later. My favorite was when my Sonos was freaking out, and Vera would oh so helpfully delete all my scenes associated with my sonos device :wink:

But for PLEG there is a super nice report option that gives you every thing you need to recreate It. If you can avoid deleting the device and add a new one than you can just update the name of the device in PLEG to the new one, then delete the older z-wave device. If that is not possible, I would recommend Printing out a report of the PLEG device before deleting your z-wave device. You can use that to re-add any conditions or triggers that get deleted. I save off a report of all my PLEG devices to make it easy to clone PLEG items I like, or fix up old PLEG devices when I need to replace a switch or other z-wave maintenance.[/quote]

I do agree that this would be a nice feature to have as it will save a lot of work when for some reason a device needs to be replaced. Homeseer has a feature where it is possible to replace a device and it can be replaced with itself or with a new version of the same or a similar device. This is a very nice feature to have.