Can't connect to Vera threw cp.mios

2 days ago I couldn’t reach my vacation home using my web browser and cp.mios

I login and choose which vera but that one just brings up a error

“Unable to communicate with your unit. Please be sure the unit is powered and connected to Internet.”
Try again

So I ignored it. next day was working thought maybe server down or something. Today same thing. But this time I decided to check in on it. With someone at the house my cell phone and ipad apps working just fine. I’m getting notifications and can see everything and control it fine (so Vera is working and is online). So my only problem is still I can’t login via a web browser.

Anyone know the problem?


Can you please send us an email to ? Or open a live chat

Make sure you include the serial number of your Vera unit also, and a quick description of the issue.

[quote=“mcv.johnm, post:2, topic:179782”]Hi,

Can you please send us an email to ? Or open a live chat

Make sure you include the serial number of your Vera unit also, and a quick description of the issue.[/quote]

I do that… But now this morning it’s working fine again.

Well no help yet. All they did was make sure I know my UI5 login vs. my UI6 login.

And since it’s working now not much they can do. I’ll wait for it to go down again.