Cant connect to controller

I am having some sort of connection issue today. I can log into my Vera account and it shows my controller and it states the connection is ok. When I try to connect to my control it never hooks up and I just get the circle of death forever. I have tried using both chrome and i.e. browsers as well as clearing history but no go. I am still connected with my iphone and can turn on a light which I can verify via a camera. I have also been experiencing frequent controller up and controller down alerts which is quite annoying. Anyone else ever run into this?

Vera did some upgrade on their servers today, I also had a case when controller was presented as online and I was not able to access it.
After a while everything was OK again

I have been unable to log in all day. Same issue on my home computer as well.

Logged in OK while at home. I also get the same infinite green circle when logging in remotely.

Same issue here as of 10:00PM EST 01/21/2018. Infinite green spinning circle thingy

Has anyone contacted Vera Support?

BTW…their status pages report no current outages

For what its worth, I am redirected to relay31

Hello there,

We have not identified something specific to be classified as outage but we’ve got few requests from customers. As a suggestion, please logout to clear and session cookies and log in again.

If this solution doesn’t work out(it should), please reach out to our Customer Care team.Contact details in signature.

Mobile apps should not be affected by this.

[quote=“Sorin M., post:7, topic:198463”]Hello there,

We have not identified something specific to be classified as outage but we’ve got few requests from customers. As a suggestion, please logout to clear and session cookies and log in again.

If this solution doesn’t work out(it should), please reach out to our Customer Care team.Contact details in signature.

Mobile apps should not be affected by this.[/quote]

Remote login working today. I did log in, logged out, and logged in again before selecting the controller.

Logging in today just fine. Appears it was a 24 hour bug??